Friday, June 26, 2015

High Five For Friday

This has been a crazy, jam packed week!!! We had Baby K's 2nd birthday party at home, celebrated Father's Day, traveled to visit Tolar's family, celebrated K's actual birthday with another party and swam, swam, swam. 1.) We had a blast celebrating Baby...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Baby K's 2nd Birthday Party

Over the weekend we threw Baby K her 2nd birthday party with our family and new friends here in Dublin. Because our girl absolutely loves Mickey, we did a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. I hope she never tires of Mickey; he is always welcome in our house!I...

Friday, June 19, 2015

High Five For Friday!

Well hello weekend! You were definitely missed. Here are some top moments from my week: 1.) Baby K turns 2 next week and she has spent the past two years facing backwards in her car seat. We turned her seat around to make room for an additional car...

Friday, June 12, 2015

High Five For Friday

It's my favorite time of the week! Where I recount some fun happenings that occurred. 1.) You will probably see a lot of pictures like this - GRAPES! These babies were all washed and ready to be popped in the freezer. I'm kind of addicted to frozen...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Weekend...Is Almost Here Again

I was supposed to post this on Monday and well, hello Thursday!!! This week has definitely gotten away from me and I cannot believe that tomorrow is the weekend. NOT that I am complaining about that one bit! Last weekend we attended a really cool event...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Simple Moments Change Everything

I didn't think I was going to post today because I just never got around to blogging over the weekend. My to do list takes over my life sometimes and then by the end of the weekend I am exhausted and just want to veg out on the couch and watch Gilmore...

Friday, June 5, 2015

#FreeToBe An Outside Mom

It is no secret, I really dislike messes and things that are dirty. I like things neat and tidy and if a mess has to be made then I want it to be easy to clean up. And the funny thing is, I'm the mom of a toddler. Toddlers don't understand that life...

Friday, June 5, 2015

High Five For Friday

The top moments from my week...and...go! 1.) The highlight was introducing Baby K to live theatre. We took her to see FANCY NANCY at Roanoke Children's Theatre and had a blast. The show is adorable, the musical numbers kept her interested and they even...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Lists, It's All About The Lists

I'm a list maker through and through. I make lists for everything; things I need to do, grocery lists, blog ideas, tasks I need to complete for the theatre, a list of jobs to tackle around the house, birthday wish list for Baby is endless. I love...