Tips For Cleaning Out Your Closet

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Organization and clearing out the clutter, these are things that make my heart go pitter patter. I know it sounds strange, but it is so true. I find that my life feels more in control, I'm not overwhelmed and I am able to relax if my life and the things in it are organized and clutter free. And since we just moved and have been living in chaos as we unpack, I'm all about trying to get organized with a quickness.

There were a couple things at the top of list of my list to get accomplished first when we moved in and one of those things was my closet. I'm going to need to get dressed everyday and in order to not have to search through a million boxes each morning, it was important to get my closet set up. But before I could set up my closet, I needed to go through everything and make sure I was organizing only the things I wanted to keep. There is nothing like a move that makes you realize just how much crap you have, and my closet is no exception. So I decided to clear out the clutter and clear out what I didn't want.

Here are my tips for how I determine what stays and what goes, I ask myself these questions before I hang anything up in my closet (in no particular order):

1.) Have I worn it in the last year? If I've gone through all four seasons and haven't worn an item, I don't need it, so out it goes. If you've gone a year without wearing something, chances are you won't wear it again. I've hung on to clothes for years thinking "oh maybe I will wear this to an event or something," I never have. So get rid of it.

2.) Does it fit? If it doesn't fit me right now and I haven't worn it in awhile, I don't want it (whether it be too big or too small). I want clothes that look good on me, so if it doesn't fit out it goes. 

3.) Is it stained? This is a no brainer, if I have stain that won't come out I know I won't be wearing that garment. The same goes for a hole...can it be repaired? If so, repair it and keep it. If not, get rid of it.

4.) Is it trendy? Trends fade, so if you are hanging on to an item that was trendy several years ago then get rid of it. Chances are it isn't trendy anymore. I always like to invest and spend more money on classic items that I know will stand the test of time and then buy trends at a lower price point because it doesn't hurt as bad when it is time to throw it away/donate it.

5.) Do I feel pretty/comfortable/good in it? If I don't like the way I look in something, don't feel awesome in it or flat out feel miserable in an outfit then I don't want it. Personal style to me is all about feeling comfortable and loving what I see in the mirror. If an outfit or item doesn't make me feel confident when I walk out the door, then out it goes. If I have clothes that always get a lot of compliments, then those babies get a place in my closet.


  1. I used the same tips when cleaning out my closet. I do have a couple things I only wear once a year but that due to there Christmas shirts.

  2. I really need to do this. Switching out winter/summer clothes is the perfect time, and I've been putting that off due to DREAD! HA! Thanks for the push I needed! :)

  3. Great tips I like to clean my wardrobe out twice a year


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