Friday, June 27, 2014
High Five For Friday
Happy Friday kids! This has been an insane week with a lot going on, there is too much to tell you in just five points. We celebrated Baby K's first birthday, took Baby K to the doctor three (yes three) times, moved out of our house, drove down to Dublin, VA, drove back up to Alexandria, VA, closed on our house and we are now flying to visit Tolar's family for a week and a half. Shew, I'm so tired and very much looking forward to relaxing by the pool for the next several days.
For your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures from some fun moments during the week. There are so many more great moments, but sadly not everything got documented. Tolar and I want to give a huge shout out to our friends Dane and Courtney for letting us crash at their house when we were back in Alexandria for the house closing.
1.) Poor Baby K had to take two long car trips this week; I sat in the back with her on one of the those trips since she wasn't feeling well. While she was sleeping, she reached out for me, it was the sweetest thing
2.) Even though Baby K was a bit under the weather, we still attempted to celebrate her birthday. I love this picture of Tolar praying for our baby girl at her party.
3.) My family was in town for Baby K's birthday party and to help us move. My Dad actually ended up driving our UHaul moving truck, along with my sister's dog as his passenger. And now I am working on my first one act play: The Adventures of Grandy and Madison.
4.) Completing the sale of our house was exhausting for Baby K, she fell asleep in the car and Tolar had to carry her inside. Look at her hand, so cute!
5.) Baby K got a new ride for her birthday from Grandy and Grammaroo and she loves it. She even got a cell phone, I need to teach her about no texting and driving.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
For your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures from some fun moments during the week. There are so many more great moments, but sadly not everything got documented. Tolar and I want to give a huge shout out to our friends Dane and Courtney for letting us crash at their house when we were back in Alexandria for the house closing.
1.) Poor Baby K had to take two long car trips this week; I sat in the back with her on one of the those trips since she wasn't feeling well. While she was sleeping, she reached out for me, it was the sweetest thing
2.) Even though Baby K was a bit under the weather, we still attempted to celebrate her birthday. I love this picture of Tolar praying for our baby girl at her party.
3.) My family was in town for Baby K's birthday party and to help us move. My Dad actually ended up driving our UHaul moving truck, along with my sister's dog as his passenger. And now I am working on my first one act play: The Adventures of Grandy and Madison.
4.) Completing the sale of our house was exhausting for Baby K, she fell asleep in the car and Tolar had to carry her inside. Look at her hand, so cute!
5.) Baby K got a new ride for her birthday from Grandy and Grammaroo and she loves it. She even got a cell phone, I need to teach her about no texting and driving.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
1 Year Old!
Here we are, the parents of a one year old! I cannot believe my baby is technically no longer a baby anymore. This has been an incredible year and I am so in love with my sweet little red head. Even though there have been tough times that we have had to endure and I have often been sad that we are going through so much hardship during Baby K's first year of life, she continues to bring us so much joy. In fact, I truly believe that her purpose has been revealed to us - to be there to make Tolar and me forget about our problems and concentrate on her and how much we love her.
Stats: 18 pounds, 10 ounces. Her 12 month well check up is tomorrow, so I won't know her other measurements until then.
Development: She is such a fast crawler, cruising all over the place. Tolar even helped her learn how to crawl up and down the stairs. I was nervous at first, but she does really well. Of course, we don't let her crawl up the stairs unless we are right behind her (baby gates are our friend!). She pulls up to stand on almost anything and it is the cutest thing when she squats down to pick something up off of the floor. She can stand on her own for a few seconds too, in fact she can stand on her own until she realizes that she's not holding onto something. She will walk by holding our hands or if she is pushing something, but she hasn't taken any steps on her own yet.
Loves: My mom (aka Grammaroo) got her a stuffed Roo from Winnie the Pooh and she LOVES that thing. It is so cute, she will grab Roo from me and put him right up to her face and snuggle him. At night when I peek in on her using the camera monitor, I love to see that she has one arm around Roo while she sleeps. And this kid loves to eat, we have officially reached the stage where if we eat in front of her, she has to eat as well. She doesn't have to eat what we are eating, but she definitely tries to grab our food and will cry until we give her something. And her newest trick and something that she loves to do is stick her arm out like she's Vanna White. It is so stinkin' cute because she will do it a lot of the time when she is saying hello to people - almost like she's saying "here I am!" And one of my favorite things that she does is when she goes into a play "panic" mode trying to get us to chase her. The look on her face when she is trying to "escape" is seriously adorable.
Dislikes: Baby K does not like to be told no. If we tell her "no touch" when she goes to grab something she shouldn't, she will stop, sit there for a second and then start wailing. It is so cute and so sad all at once. I'm glad she does understand what no means though!
Sleeping: I'm so thankful that we still have a super great sleeper. Her bedtime is 8 p.m. and she will sleep until 7:30 a.m. We no longer set an alarm clock (unless we have to get up super early) because she will wake us up. Her morning nap is very consistent as far as time of day and length of her nap - its a nice long one! But her afternoon/early evening nap varies, especially the time of day.
Diapers: Size 3 Pampers Swaddlers and Baby Dry diapers. The Baby Dry diapers are seriously so amazing!
Eating: As I said above, this girl loves to eat. She will eat anything that we give her, I can't think of anything that she has refused. This month was her first time trying avocado and she liked it, Mama didn't enjoy the messy hands though. I think her favorite food might be grapes, or possibly egg whites. It is so funny to watch her eat though, she grabs big huge handfuls of food like she just can't get enough. I sometimes wonder why I even cut up her grapes in quarters because she still grabs 4 pieces and shoves them in her mouth.
Clothing: She is in a solid size 12 month, but will easily fit into 18 month clothing too. She has SO MANY clothes, my little fashionista. To the Grandmas: she could use some 18 month clothes, both for warm and cool weather. :) Oh and during our move, I realized just how many clothes she has already worn over her life time, I think I had 5 tubs full of clothes that are now too small for her! If Baby K gets a little sister one day, we won't need to buy new clothes because we have so many and so many options in all sizes for several seasons.
Miscellaneous: Our sweet girl got sick for the first time on Saturday. She woke up with a fever that morning and started feeling pretty bad as the day went on. Sadly, that was the day of her first birthday party. :( We decided to still hold her party since we were having it outside and also since she didn't show any other symptoms outside of her fever. But the party definitely overwhelmed her and our little girl ended up in tears right as we were singing happy birthday and presenting her with her cake. We took her to Urgent Care and found out that she has an ear infection. It is so super sad seeing my baby so pitiful. She just feels awful, but luckily she has been fever free for one whole day now! Her actual first birthday was yesterday and she was in better spirits, so I think she is starting to feel better. We tried to give her some birthday cake again and well, the picture speaks for itself.
Let's take a look at Baby K through the months:
Friday, June 20, 2014
High Five For Friday
Well Friday is here! This is our last Friday in our house; sadness is definitely setting in. While this week has been consumed with packing, we still had some fun - especially with our little red head.
1.) Tolar celebrated his first Father's Day; Baby K's gift to her Daddy was a matching pair of chucks for herself. That's my girl, gift yourself some shoes. :)
2.) Some incredible friends from church took me out to dinner to say goodbye. I was so touched by their sweet and encouraging words, it's funny I certainly don't see myself the way they do. Their way is so much better. Praise The Lord.
3.) We decided that Baby K gets to move with us when we leave Northern Virginia. At least we have a box that fits her!
4.) This sign, that is all.
5.) Baby K likes to try on her Grammaroo's glasses.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
1.) Tolar celebrated his first Father's Day; Baby K's gift to her Daddy was a matching pair of chucks for herself. That's my girl, gift yourself some shoes. :)
2.) Some incredible friends from church took me out to dinner to say goodbye. I was so touched by their sweet and encouraging words, it's funny I certainly don't see myself the way they do. Their way is so much better. Praise The Lord.
3.) We decided that Baby K gets to move with us when we leave Northern Virginia. At least we have a box that fits her!
4.) This sign, that is all.
5.) Baby K likes to try on her Grammaroo's glasses.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
June Beauty Box 5
Beauty Box 5 has provided me a complimentary subscription for review purposes. All opinion are my own.
Since this week and next don't provide me with much time to lay by the pool (that WILL happen in July), my preferred way to beat the heat is to hop in the shower and treat myself to some awesome beauty products. This month's BB5 provided me with some great options.
1.) Organix Coconut Water Shampoo & Conditioner - If you can't lay by the pool or ocean, you might as well still treat your senses to a yummy tropical scent. These products smell amazing!!! And I love that they offer some hydration for my locks without weighing my hair down with extra oil.
2.) Eslor Introductory Collection Calming Kit - It is important to take care of your skin, whether you are traveling or in your daily life. This little kit makes it easy to keep up with your skin care regimen if you are on the road because you can just toss it in your suitcase. Easy peasy.
3.) Nicka K New York Nail Color - This is some great nail polish! I love the color and that the polish is long lasting. Since free time is pretty sparse for me these days, I need a polish that will last a while without me needing to touch it up.
4.) Vita Bath Body Wash - Yum Dash O! This body wash smells like cherries and man does it smell good. Plus, it lathers up great giving me a luxurious wash whenever I hop in the shower.
5.) Glam Natural Mascara - One of my must have cosmetics is mascara; if I wear minimal makeup mascara is still one of the items I use. And the Glam Natural brand is hypoallergenic, so for those of you with sensitive eyes, this won't bother you at all!!!
Beauty Box 5 also sent me some cards so I can bless some of you. If you want to receive a FREE introduction box to BB5, I have some codes to give out! The first 4 people to e-mail me saying that you want to try BB5 will receive the code. So hurry up!!!
And happy Summer to you all!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Packing It Up!!
Just popping in quickly to say hi, I was buried in packing boxes yesterday!!! We are less than a week away from loading up the moving truck which is crazy to me. I'm not so sure everything has sunk in just yet and I'm not quite sure when it all will hit me. To get the background on what is happening in our lives and why we are moving click here.
It is definitely a bittersweet time in our lives. I'm certainly sad to leave my church and all of the amazing friends that I have made here in the D.C. area. And as funny as this may sound, I'm very sad to leave our house. This is the first house that Tolar and I bought together as a married couple. This is the house where we became a family; the house we brought Baby K to when we came home from the hospital, the house where Baby K had so many firsts, the house where sleepless nights with a 2 month old brought so many blessings to us. And its the last house that our sweet JoJo lived in. I'm sad to move on from that. But I'm ready for what's next. I've been living in limbo since the middle of March and I am just ready to get on with it already! I'm ready to attack our future, to figure out what is next and to make incredible memories.
So forgive me if I am a little MIA in the next couple of weeks, not only am I moving and packing up a huge chunk of my life I'm also throwing Baby K her first birthday party before we hit the road. Life is crazy, but I don't think I would have it any other way!!!
And just for fun, here are some fun facts from the packing shenanigans:
-5 wardrobe boxes currently sit full in my living room, ALL packed with my clothes and there are still some clothes remaining in my closet
-apparently I really can live in a mess (I won't say I'm thriving, but I'm living).
-my Rodan + Fields business is still thriving, even during the packing/moving madness - this business is amazing!!!
-moving is a great way to save money on groceries because it forces you to eat what is left in your freezer (and yes, our dinner was quite tasty), that and you don't have as much time to sit around and think about how hungry you are (did I just think up a new weight loss strategy?)
-moving boxes make ok baby gates until your almost 1 year old outsmarts you
It is definitely a bittersweet time in our lives. I'm certainly sad to leave my church and all of the amazing friends that I have made here in the D.C. area. And as funny as this may sound, I'm very sad to leave our house. This is the first house that Tolar and I bought together as a married couple. This is the house where we became a family; the house we brought Baby K to when we came home from the hospital, the house where Baby K had so many firsts, the house where sleepless nights with a 2 month old brought so many blessings to us. And its the last house that our sweet JoJo lived in. I'm sad to move on from that. But I'm ready for what's next. I've been living in limbo since the middle of March and I am just ready to get on with it already! I'm ready to attack our future, to figure out what is next and to make incredible memories.
So forgive me if I am a little MIA in the next couple of weeks, not only am I moving and packing up a huge chunk of my life I'm also throwing Baby K her first birthday party before we hit the road. Life is crazy, but I don't think I would have it any other way!!!
And just for fun, here are some fun facts from the packing shenanigans:
-5 wardrobe boxes currently sit full in my living room, ALL packed with my clothes and there are still some clothes remaining in my closet
-apparently I really can live in a mess (I won't say I'm thriving, but I'm living).
-my Rodan + Fields business is still thriving, even during the packing/moving madness - this business is amazing!!!
-moving is a great way to save money on groceries because it forces you to eat what is left in your freezer (and yes, our dinner was quite tasty), that and you don't have as much time to sit around and think about how hungry you are (did I just think up a new weight loss strategy?)
-moving boxes make ok baby gates until your almost 1 year old outsmarts you
Friday, June 13, 2014
High Five For Friday
Happy Friday!!! I always love sharing some awesome moments from my week with you. So let's get started.
1.) My parents made a quick trip up to see us so they could bring some boxes and other moving supplies. While here they got in plenty of laughs with Baby K, its so great to see my parents enjoying my child.
2.) We took Baby K to see some more sights around D.C. before we move. Here she is just hanging out at the Lincoln Memorial (you can see the Washington Monument behind her).
3.) Some leaders on my Rodan + Fields team offer up some fab perks; I scored these Tory Burch flip flops for being an active participant in a training call.
4.) On our D.C. tour we stopped at the World War II Memorial and took Baby K's picture with every state that she has visited. This was my favorite of all of the pictures.
5.) When my parents were visiting, they brought my sister's dog Madison with them. This pic of Madison and Baby K checking on things outside is just too cute.
Hope you all enjoy the weekend! Linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
1.) My parents made a quick trip up to see us so they could bring some boxes and other moving supplies. While here they got in plenty of laughs with Baby K, its so great to see my parents enjoying my child.
2.) We took Baby K to see some more sights around D.C. before we move. Here she is just hanging out at the Lincoln Memorial (you can see the Washington Monument behind her).
3.) Some leaders on my Rodan + Fields team offer up some fab perks; I scored these Tory Burch flip flops for being an active participant in a training call.
4.) On our D.C. tour we stopped at the World War II Memorial and took Baby K's picture with every state that she has visited. This was my favorite of all of the pictures.
5.) When my parents were visiting, they brought my sister's dog Madison with them. This pic of Madison and Baby K checking on things outside is just too cute.
Hope you all enjoy the weekend! Linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Things I Didn't Expect I'd Do When I Became A Mom
If you are a new mom, you are well aware that there is no shortage of information about babies and children out there. From blogs, to books, to e-mail newsletters, to friends, to family, to strangers with kids and even strangers without kids - everyone has advice and opinions on how to raise your child. I have been lucky to receive a ton of great advice, stories and anecdotes from lots of people in my life and I've had fun imagining how I would react in certain situations. But there definitely are some things have happened during my first year of motherhood that I totally didn't expect I would do when I became a mom.
1.) Pick my daughter's nose. Yep, it is sometimes just easier for me to stick my pinky finger nail in her nose to clear out the grossness instead of using the bulb aspirator or a tissue. Never expected I would do that!
2.) Get more excited about buying baby clothes than clothes for myself. Have you seen baby clothes? They are so cute and there are just so many options out there. With all of the great colors and prints and styles available, I often can't help myself and want to buy Baby K all the clothes.
3.) Smell Baby K's bottom before I change her. I admit it, I pick up my daughter and sniff her butt to see if she pooed before I trudge upstairs and wrestle with her to change her. I mean, I'm going to be darn sure she doesn't have a dirty diaper before I go begin a mini wrestling workout where I come very close to losing for the seventh time of the day.
4.) Turn off Cosmo Radio and sing Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over again. When Baby K has had enough of riding around in the car and for some reason she just doesn't believe me when I tell her that we are "almost home" sometimes there is nothing else I can do to calm her than to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over just to keep her smiling. That is hands down her favorite song, I don't think there has been a time yet where she hasn't started smiling when I start singing it.
5.) Keep driving when Baby K falls asleep in the car. When Baby K was smaller and we still used the infant carrier as her car seat, it was no problem to get her out of the car - even while asleep - because we could easily lift the carrier right out. Now that we use a convertible seat for her, we have to unstrap her and move her arms and actually lift her out of the car which always wakes her up if she falls asleep. And since she doesn't really nap that well anywhere but her crib, if she falls asleep in the car I do NOT want to wake her. We will keep driving around, not caring where we go just as long as that sweet babe keeps her eyes shut.
6.) Carry on full conversations with my baby like she understands every word I say. Yep, its true, Baby K often gets to hear all sorts of good stuff come out of my mouth, she's such a great listener! And hey, its good for baby's speech development to hear a lot of different words and sounds.
7.) Let Baby K make a mess. For this OCD mama, I was quite scared of all of the messes that would inevitably end up in my house, but I'm learning to not care. Especially when I see how much joy it brings my daughter. Yep, tearing up paper and making a mess of all of the junk mail we get is one of Baby K's favorite activities.
1.) Pick my daughter's nose. Yep, it is sometimes just easier for me to stick my pinky finger nail in her nose to clear out the grossness instead of using the bulb aspirator or a tissue. Never expected I would do that!
2.) Get more excited about buying baby clothes than clothes for myself. Have you seen baby clothes? They are so cute and there are just so many options out there. With all of the great colors and prints and styles available, I often can't help myself and want to buy Baby K all the clothes.
3.) Smell Baby K's bottom before I change her. I admit it, I pick up my daughter and sniff her butt to see if she pooed before I trudge upstairs and wrestle with her to change her. I mean, I'm going to be darn sure she doesn't have a dirty diaper before I go begin a mini wrestling workout where I come very close to losing for the seventh time of the day.
4.) Turn off Cosmo Radio and sing Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over again. When Baby K has had enough of riding around in the car and for some reason she just doesn't believe me when I tell her that we are "almost home" sometimes there is nothing else I can do to calm her than to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over just to keep her smiling. That is hands down her favorite song, I don't think there has been a time yet where she hasn't started smiling when I start singing it.
5.) Keep driving when Baby K falls asleep in the car. When Baby K was smaller and we still used the infant carrier as her car seat, it was no problem to get her out of the car - even while asleep - because we could easily lift the carrier right out. Now that we use a convertible seat for her, we have to unstrap her and move her arms and actually lift her out of the car which always wakes her up if she falls asleep. And since she doesn't really nap that well anywhere but her crib, if she falls asleep in the car I do NOT want to wake her. We will keep driving around, not caring where we go just as long as that sweet babe keeps her eyes shut.
6.) Carry on full conversations with my baby like she understands every word I say. Yep, its true, Baby K often gets to hear all sorts of good stuff come out of my mouth, she's such a great listener! And hey, its good for baby's speech development to hear a lot of different words and sounds.
7.) Let Baby K make a mess. For this OCD mama, I was quite scared of all of the messes that would inevitably end up in my house, but I'm learning to not care. Especially when I see how much joy it brings my daughter. Yep, tearing up paper and making a mess of all of the junk mail we get is one of Baby K's favorite activities.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Because You Always Need To Know Facts About The Blogger
Favorite Article Of Clothing:
This is not a surprise to many...Cardigans take the cake! I have so many cardigans; short sleeves, long sleeves, three quarter length sleeves, solids, florals, stripes, I don't discriminate against cardigans at all. I love how versatile they are and how they can help me stretch my wardrobe into multiple seasons.
Something I Wish I Could Change But It Rarely Happens:
I'm serious when I type this, but I wish I could keep my inbox at zero unread items. But it hardly ever happens. In fact, it happens so infrequently that I don't even remember the last time I had read everything in my inbox. Right now, I'm only sitting at 4 unread e-mails...thank goodness.
Surprising Fact About Me:
I LOVE to watch American Ninja Warrior with Tolar. And I double-LOVE it when the contestants make it through the whole course.
Question I Better Prepare Myself To Answer For A Long Time:
Where does Baby K get her red hair? This is hands down the most asked question I have ever ever in my life. This beats the question of when we were going to start having kids once Tolar and I got married. Seriously everyone asks and I mean EVERYONE.
Answer: Tolar has Irish on his side and I have Scottish on was bound to happen.
Current Favorite YouTube Channel:
MaskCara. Check her out, she has some terrific makeup and hair tutorials.
Hairstyle I'm Considering For Myself:
This...just need to figure out and master how to style it.
Bad Habit I NEED To Break:
Scrolling through facebook for countless minutes. I'm not even going to justify this with an explanation, it just plain needs to stop. I keep talking about how I wish I had more time to read. Well, if I put the darn phone down and picked up a book, I sure would have more time to read. And I'd probably feel a lot better about myself too.
Favorite Summertime Food:
Watermelon. Tolar and I probably go through a watermelon a week! We love it so much - it's good and so good for you!
Profession I Aspired To Be When I Was Younger:
Teacher. I "played school" all the time when I was a child. My friend Robyn and I would go over to each other's houses quite often and play school. I think we were both the teacher too, I don't ever remember one of us being the student. :) We loved to write on the chalk board and grade papers. I even asked for a chalkboard for Christmas once.
This is not a surprise to many...Cardigans take the cake! I have so many cardigans; short sleeves, long sleeves, three quarter length sleeves, solids, florals, stripes, I don't discriminate against cardigans at all. I love how versatile they are and how they can help me stretch my wardrobe into multiple seasons.
Something I Wish I Could Change But It Rarely Happens:
I'm serious when I type this, but I wish I could keep my inbox at zero unread items. But it hardly ever happens. In fact, it happens so infrequently that I don't even remember the last time I had read everything in my inbox. Right now, I'm only sitting at 4 unread e-mails...thank goodness.
Surprising Fact About Me:
I LOVE to watch American Ninja Warrior with Tolar. And I double-LOVE it when the contestants make it through the whole course.
Question I Better Prepare Myself To Answer For A Long Time:
Where does Baby K get her red hair? This is hands down the most asked question I have ever ever in my life. This beats the question of when we were going to start having kids once Tolar and I got married. Seriously everyone asks and I mean EVERYONE.
Answer: Tolar has Irish on his side and I have Scottish on was bound to happen.
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photo credit: Luv Bean Photography. |
Current Favorite YouTube Channel:
MaskCara. Check her out, she has some terrific makeup and hair tutorials.
Hairstyle I'm Considering For Myself:
This...just need to figure out and master how to style it.
Bad Habit I NEED To Break:
Scrolling through facebook for countless minutes. I'm not even going to justify this with an explanation, it just plain needs to stop. I keep talking about how I wish I had more time to read. Well, if I put the darn phone down and picked up a book, I sure would have more time to read. And I'd probably feel a lot better about myself too.
Favorite Summertime Food:
Watermelon. Tolar and I probably go through a watermelon a week! We love it so much - it's good and so good for you!
Profession I Aspired To Be When I Was Younger:
Teacher. I "played school" all the time when I was a child. My friend Robyn and I would go over to each other's houses quite often and play school. I think we were both the teacher too, I don't ever remember one of us being the student. :) We loved to write on the chalk board and grade papers. I even asked for a chalkboard for Christmas once.
Friday, June 6, 2014
High Five For Friday
This was an incredible week!!! We are on the countdown until we move out of D.C. and Tolar and I are determined to make some great memories as we wrap up our lives here in the Nation's Capital.
1.) There are some places that we have not yet visited in D.C. and Arlington National Cemetery is one of those places. We hopped on the Metro and went for a visit earlier in the week. This was Baby K's first metro ride, that's our city girl!
2.) Dinner with friends fuels more than just my stomach! Our friends Summer, Ray and Braelynn were in town from Germany, so we went off to dinner with them and our friends Dane, Courtney and Cooper. It was such a terrific dinner and I loved having some quality time with them multiple times this week.
3.) In an attempt to keep cool during the hot temps, we created our own little splash park for Baby K in our back yard.
4.) Check out this post for an amazing day courtesy of my dear friend Marcy. It was seriously such a sweet and fantastic day.
5.) We love taking Baby K to the park. She LOVES to swing and squeals with delight. It makes me so happy.
I hope you had a fantastic week yourself. Linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
1.) There are some places that we have not yet visited in D.C. and Arlington National Cemetery is one of those places. We hopped on the Metro and went for a visit earlier in the week. This was Baby K's first metro ride, that's our city girl!
2.) Dinner with friends fuels more than just my stomach! Our friends Summer, Ray and Braelynn were in town from Germany, so we went off to dinner with them and our friends Dane, Courtney and Cooper. It was such a terrific dinner and I loved having some quality time with them multiple times this week.
3.) In an attempt to keep cool during the hot temps, we created our own little splash park for Baby K in our back yard.
4.) Check out this post for an amazing day courtesy of my dear friend Marcy. It was seriously such a sweet and fantastic day.
5.) We love taking Baby K to the park. She LOVES to swing and squeals with delight. It makes me so happy.
I hope you had a fantastic week yourself. Linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
A Completely Unexpected and Fabulous Day
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If you have learned anything about me, it is that I am a planner through and through. I love to check things off my list, have everything in order and be in control. Not knowing what I am getting myself into kind of stresses me out. Needless to say, I'm in a constant state of stress because of our current situation, but I am making do. So when Crest challenged me to Be Unexpected by sending me some of their new Be flavors, I was a little nervous. I've had enough unexpectedness happen in my life recently, so I wasn't so certain I was ready to jump in with anything else. But boy am I glad I did!!! Read below to see my story.
And be sure to follow me on instagram, facebook and twitter to find out which Crest Be flavor was my favorite. They have some pretty incredible flavors: Lime Spearmint Zest, Mint Chocolate Trek and Vanilla Mint Spark.

We are in the final three weeks of our lives in D.C. so I am in the midst of saying my goodbyes to my friends and this fun city. One of my fabulous friends, Marcy, told me that she wanted to kidnap me for the day to do some fun things around the city and say goodbye. She didn't tell me anything except that I needed to be ready by 11 a.m. and to wear something that was very Lindsay. That's it - that is all I got. Normally, I would be pumping Marcy for information, pestering Tolar to see if he had any info and trying to figure out as much as I could so that I was prepared for our day. But Crest inspired me to Be Unexpected and just go with it. I mean, with all of the unexpected turns that our lives have taken in the past three months, what was something else unexpected in the grand scheme of things? Plus, my dear friend Marcy is as type A as I am, so I knew I could trust her to deliver something fantastic and well planned out. And she did - it was a completely unexpected and fabulous day.
Marcy picked me up just before 11 a.m. (that's my girl, picking me up early and not making me wait!) and gave me a clue to start a scavenger hunt through our friendship. It was so cool! She created clues that took us to places where we had fun times together; it was so awesome to reminisce with Marcy and to talk about the 6 years of friendship we have had. We went all over the city, laughing, talking non stop and having such a great time just me and Marcy. Some of the places have some inside jokes or stories that would require a glass of wine for me to tell, but I thought I would list everywhere that we went.
1.) Gold's Gym - Marcy and I went through a super crazy phase in life where we hired a personal trainer (Marcy is still in that phase!) to whip us into shape. We quickly came to despise burpees and gliders, but we totally loved having each other at the gym to keep us motivated.
2.) CVS - When Marcy and I worked at the theatre together we would walk to CVS for me to grab a soda (usually an orange soda) and for us to take a much needed talk break during our day. It was also on one of our many walks to CVS that I told Marcy I was pregnant with Baby K.
3.) Subway - Oh there are surprisingly too many good stories to tell about Subway - strange but true that we have a bunch of stories about Subway. This was another place we frequented during the work days and always had a great time. It was awesome to go back today and have the staff greet us with smiles and tell us that they missed us.
4.) The National Building Museum - The theatre's annual gala was always held at the Building Museum and I'm sure you can guess who were usually the first two people on the dance floor.
5.) Poste - We had an amazing Young Professionals Night party here years ago where we racked up quite the tab. Hands down, this was the best night spent with Marcy in D.C. We definitely need to grab wine (and Marcy and Caroline!) to give you the details about this night.
6.) (We skipped actually going to these two places) Target and the Regal Movie Theatre across the street from my old apartment - Lots of fun inside jokes here, especially with Target.
7.) Our Tony Award - Marcy and I stopped by our old theatre to take one last picture with the Tony Award that the theatre won back in 2012. Our trip to New York for the Tony Awards was one of my favorite trips, we want to plan a return trip for sure!
8.) T.J. Stones - We created a new memory as we walked down memory lane. We had lunch at one of my favorite places, but a place that we have never been together. And while there Marcy gave me such a special and beautiful gift.
This was seriously such an amazing day, full of so much thought that kept a huge smile on my face all day long. Marcy is the type of friend that I hope all of you will one day have in your life. She is extremely supportive, beyond generous and she simply shows up in my life. She's someone I can count on for anything, including being unexpected. Thank you Marcy for showering me with love and friendship these past 6 years. Just like you said, we survived 24 years of sassiness apart and came together to create an amazing friendship, so I know our next chapter of friendship is going to be amazing!
So now its your turn, check out Crest Be and Be Unexpected! It could end up being a fabulous day, just like mine.
If you have learned anything about me, it is that I am a planner through and through. I love to check things off my list, have everything in order and be in control. Not knowing what I am getting myself into kind of stresses me out. Needless to say, I'm in a constant state of stress because of our current situation, but I am making do. So when Crest challenged me to Be Unexpected by sending me some of their new Be flavors, I was a little nervous. I've had enough unexpectedness happen in my life recently, so I wasn't so certain I was ready to jump in with anything else. But boy am I glad I did!!! Read below to see my story.
And be sure to follow me on instagram, facebook and twitter to find out which Crest Be flavor was my favorite. They have some pretty incredible flavors: Lime Spearmint Zest, Mint Chocolate Trek and Vanilla Mint Spark.

We are in the final three weeks of our lives in D.C. so I am in the midst of saying my goodbyes to my friends and this fun city. One of my fabulous friends, Marcy, told me that she wanted to kidnap me for the day to do some fun things around the city and say goodbye. She didn't tell me anything except that I needed to be ready by 11 a.m. and to wear something that was very Lindsay. That's it - that is all I got. Normally, I would be pumping Marcy for information, pestering Tolar to see if he had any info and trying to figure out as much as I could so that I was prepared for our day. But Crest inspired me to Be Unexpected and just go with it. I mean, with all of the unexpected turns that our lives have taken in the past three months, what was something else unexpected in the grand scheme of things? Plus, my dear friend Marcy is as type A as I am, so I knew I could trust her to deliver something fantastic and well planned out. And she did - it was a completely unexpected and fabulous day.
Marcy picked me up just before 11 a.m. (that's my girl, picking me up early and not making me wait!) and gave me a clue to start a scavenger hunt through our friendship. It was so cool! She created clues that took us to places where we had fun times together; it was so awesome to reminisce with Marcy and to talk about the 6 years of friendship we have had. We went all over the city, laughing, talking non stop and having such a great time just me and Marcy. Some of the places have some inside jokes or stories that would require a glass of wine for me to tell, but I thought I would list everywhere that we went.
1.) Gold's Gym - Marcy and I went through a super crazy phase in life where we hired a personal trainer (Marcy is still in that phase!) to whip us into shape. We quickly came to despise burpees and gliders, but we totally loved having each other at the gym to keep us motivated.
2.) CVS - When Marcy and I worked at the theatre together we would walk to CVS for me to grab a soda (usually an orange soda) and for us to take a much needed talk break during our day. It was also on one of our many walks to CVS that I told Marcy I was pregnant with Baby K.
3.) Subway - Oh there are surprisingly too many good stories to tell about Subway - strange but true that we have a bunch of stories about Subway. This was another place we frequented during the work days and always had a great time. It was awesome to go back today and have the staff greet us with smiles and tell us that they missed us.
4.) The National Building Museum - The theatre's annual gala was always held at the Building Museum and I'm sure you can guess who were usually the first two people on the dance floor.
5.) Poste - We had an amazing Young Professionals Night party here years ago where we racked up quite the tab. Hands down, this was the best night spent with Marcy in D.C. We definitely need to grab wine (and Marcy and Caroline!) to give you the details about this night.
6.) (We skipped actually going to these two places) Target and the Regal Movie Theatre across the street from my old apartment - Lots of fun inside jokes here, especially with Target.
7.) Our Tony Award - Marcy and I stopped by our old theatre to take one last picture with the Tony Award that the theatre won back in 2012. Our trip to New York for the Tony Awards was one of my favorite trips, we want to plan a return trip for sure!
8.) T.J. Stones - We created a new memory as we walked down memory lane. We had lunch at one of my favorite places, but a place that we have never been together. And while there Marcy gave me such a special and beautiful gift.
So now its your turn, check out Crest Be and Be Unexpected! It could end up being a fabulous day, just like mine.
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- Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink
- Welcome to Pursuit of Pink. I'm Lindsay and I'm so glad you are here. I believe a positive life is a happy life. Join me as I try to walk that out daily - in life, motherhood, style and more.