Friday, February 28, 2014
High Five For Friday
Happy Friday and Happy Weekend everyone!
Let's jump right into it - here are my top five moments from the week.
1.) It was so warm and sunny last weekend, so we took Baby K to the park. She loved the swing! I, of course, am a paranoid mother and didn't want to push her too high because I was scared she would tip out. But our little dare devil smiled and squealed with delight when Tolar pushed her.
2.) As I said earlier this week, we got some snow. Although the snow didn't really last longer than a few hours, it sure was pretty when it was first coming down. It started snowing around 7 a.m. and by 3 p.m. it was all pretty much gone! So crazy.
3.) Our awesome friends Dane and Courtney celebrated their son's first birthday with quite the fun party. And Miss Baby K decided that his birthday party was the perfect time to make the moves on him. Uh oh, Tolar better get prepared for his little flirtatious daughter!
4.) After we put Baby K to bed on Wednesday night, Tolar decided to serenade me on the guitar. I just love the way this man sings! He is so talented. He amazes me because he can just listen to a song and then play it; jealous party of one your table is now ready!
5.) It's no secret I love playing dress up with Baby K. My sweet friend Jennifer bought her this adorable and colorful tutu and I decided it was time to put her in it. She loved it! Too much fun!
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Let's jump right into it - here are my top five moments from the week.
1.) It was so warm and sunny last weekend, so we took Baby K to the park. She loved the swing! I, of course, am a paranoid mother and didn't want to push her too high because I was scared she would tip out. But our little dare devil smiled and squealed with delight when Tolar pushed her.
2.) As I said earlier this week, we got some snow. Although the snow didn't really last longer than a few hours, it sure was pretty when it was first coming down. It started snowing around 7 a.m. and by 3 p.m. it was all pretty much gone! So crazy.
3.) Our awesome friends Dane and Courtney celebrated their son's first birthday with quite the fun party. And Miss Baby K decided that his birthday party was the perfect time to make the moves on him. Uh oh, Tolar better get prepared for his little flirtatious daughter!
4.) After we put Baby K to bed on Wednesday night, Tolar decided to serenade me on the guitar. I just love the way this man sings! He is so talented. He amazes me because he can just listen to a song and then play it; jealous party of one your table is now ready!
5.) It's no secret I love playing dress up with Baby K. My sweet friend Jennifer bought her this adorable and colorful tutu and I decided it was time to put her in it. She loved it! Too much fun!
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
A Little Glitter and Some Lashes
One of my favorite things to do is try out new beauty products, especially makeup, so when Beauty Box 5 contacted me and asked me about sampling some of their products of course I agreed! February's BB5 rocked, you can read more about that here.
I was sent Bellapierre's Cosmetic Glitter in Light Pink, Elizabeth Mott It's So Big Mascara and H.Wood.Lips Lip Shine in Rose.
For your viewing pleasure, I tried out the cosmetic glitter and the mascara. One day soon I hope to share with you the rose colored lipstick, but it's more of a spring color so we will wait on the weather to warm up.
I can seriously use all the help I can get when it comes to my lashes, I mean just look at the below before picture. There really isn't much length there at all. so when I see a mascara called It's So Big, I'm all about checking it out.
In order to really achieve the super results that I prefer when it comes to mascara, I applied three coats. My trick is to "saw" the mascara brush on your lashes to be sure you really get coverage on each individual lash. While I do wish my lashes were covered more with just one coat, I do appreciate that even after three coats of It's So Big mascara that I didn't look like tarantula eyes (who remembers that commercial - that was high school for me!). The after picture is below.
In both my before and after pictures, you can see that I applied the Bellapierre Cosmetic Glitter to my eyes. What I really liked about this product is that it wasn't overpowering. While I did kind of feel like a teenager getting ready for my first Britney Spears concert, I actually liked adding a little sparkle to my normal eye shadow routine. (To see my eye shadow tutorial, check out this link) Because of the color of the glitter in the packaging, I fully expected to have a very hot pink eye shadow look. I was pleasantly surprised to not! One thing I realized when using the glitter, is that it actually kind of toned down my brown eye shadow. That's a great trick if you think you applied too much color, just add the Bellapierre Cosmetic Glitter to tone down your color and glam up your eyes.
Have you ever used either of these products? How do you feel about glitter? What do you look for in a mascara? I'd love to know your answers so leave me a comment below.
I was sent Bellapierre's Cosmetic Glitter in Light Pink, Elizabeth Mott It's So Big Mascara and H.Wood.Lips Lip Shine in Rose.
For your viewing pleasure, I tried out the cosmetic glitter and the mascara. One day soon I hope to share with you the rose colored lipstick, but it's more of a spring color so we will wait on the weather to warm up.
I can seriously use all the help I can get when it comes to my lashes, I mean just look at the below before picture. There really isn't much length there at all. so when I see a mascara called It's So Big, I'm all about checking it out.
In order to really achieve the super results that I prefer when it comes to mascara, I applied three coats. My trick is to "saw" the mascara brush on your lashes to be sure you really get coverage on each individual lash. While I do wish my lashes were covered more with just one coat, I do appreciate that even after three coats of It's So Big mascara that I didn't look like tarantula eyes (who remembers that commercial - that was high school for me!). The after picture is below.
In both my before and after pictures, you can see that I applied the Bellapierre Cosmetic Glitter to my eyes. What I really liked about this product is that it wasn't overpowering. While I did kind of feel like a teenager getting ready for my first Britney Spears concert, I actually liked adding a little sparkle to my normal eye shadow routine. (To see my eye shadow tutorial, check out this link) Because of the color of the glitter in the packaging, I fully expected to have a very hot pink eye shadow look. I was pleasantly surprised to not! One thing I realized when using the glitter, is that it actually kind of toned down my brown eye shadow. That's a great trick if you think you applied too much color, just add the Bellapierre Cosmetic Glitter to tone down your color and glam up your eyes.
Have you ever used either of these products? How do you feel about glitter? What do you look for in a mascara? I'd love to know your answers so leave me a comment below.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wore: Snow Gear
We had a random snow storm hit our area yesterday, I didn't even know it was supposed to snow.
While Baby K and I were playing in the early morning hours, we looked outside and saw the snow starting to fall. It got heavier throughout the day and about one inch flakes were falling like crazy around 11 a.m. It was so pretty to watch! And apparently that's all it was - just pretty. The snow didn't stick to the roads or the sidewalks at all, only on the grass and trees. Leaving me with a very pretty view and the peace of mind that Tolar would make it home from work just fine. I kept peeking outside our front door just to be sure nothing was accumulating on the roads.
And then by about 4 p.m. practically everything that was on the grass was completely gone. What a crazy snow storm! Although I'm really glad it wasn't bad because I am totally over this winter! I'm ready for sandals and skirts without tights. Who's with me?!?!
Before the snow completely melted, I ran outside to try and snap a few pictures in the pretty snow. Because after all, a snowfall that still makes it easy for me to walk outside without having to dodge big piles of slush should be documented. I think its the first time all winter this has happened.
Coat: Burlington Coat Factory.
Jeans and Boots: Old Navy.
Shirt: LOFT.
Hat: Wet Seal (old).
Necklace: Frock Candy.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
8 Months Is Here!
We are having so much fun with Baby K. I thought that she learned and changed a lot around month 6, but this last month she has discovered so much more. It's awesome to watch her develop and learn new things. Tolar and I get so excited with each new activity and our little girl sure loves the affirmation she receives.
Stats: 17.8 pounds (we will go back to the doctor for her 9 month check up, so for now we only have her weight on our home scale).
Development: She is rolling everywhere! Tolar and I have waited so long for Baby K to roll without us prompting/enticing her and now she is rolling all over the place. Just last night she rolled across the width of our living room - it was so fun to watch! She also is really enjoying time on her stomach, which means that crawling is just around the corner. She does really well passing items back and forth between both of her hands. Daddy is super proud because she does this a lot with some drum sticks. Baby K is so interested in everything around her, if something is within arms reach of her - she grabs for it. Nothing is safe! We have now reached the time in her life where going out to eat at a restaurant requires a clear space in front of her - no cups, no napkins, no menus, nothing (except her toys, though she would rather have anything but HER toys). She still loves putting everything in her mouth, and I mean everything!
Loves: This little cutie loves to be praised. She gets so excited when we cheer for her whenever she does something new. I just love her proud little smile. She loves to play, in fact my friend Kirstin lent us a musical toy that she can sit in front of and press different instruments and she L-O-V-E-S it. She seriously could sit and play that thing for hours if we let her. Our girl is still quite the talker, she thinks its funny when we mimic her coos and talk back to her. We have a lot of fun with our conversations first thing in the morning; I like to think that she is giving Tolar and I some pep talks to start our days. And her favorite thing of all? Bouncing!!! She just adores it - bouncing in her jumperoo, in our arms, on our laps - it doesn't matter as long as she is bouncing, she is in heaven. It's the quickest way to get her to stop crying and put a smile on her face.
Dislikes: Nothing new here, she still dislikes being tired. We luckily can read her sleep cues very well and are able to put her down for a nap before she totally freaks out.
Sleeping: We have quite the excellent sleeper on our hands. Not only does she give us a solid 10-12 hours of sleep at night, but recently she started napping REALLY well at home. She always seems to nap well at Miss Gina's during the day and rarely naps that well at home. But in the last few weeks she took solid naps for us too. Until this past weekend when we decided to rock the boat. Tolar and I decided to try putting her down for a nap without her sleep suit on and the outcome was interesting. Since she is rolling a lot, she decided to spend her nap time exploring her crib and rolling all over it. Luckily she didn't cry during nap time, just talked to herself a lot. Her actual asleep time during her nap was minimal, but she wasn't as cranky as we thought she would be. We will try next weekend and see what type of results we get.
Diapers: Still in Pampers Swaddlers Size 2, though we think we will switch to Size 3 Baby Dry at night. It's weird, the Size 2 Baby Dry diapers are smaller than the Swaddlers.
Eating: Baby K loves to eat and luckily will eat anything we give her. Her new favorite food is peaches. We try to give her more vegetables than fruits and she happily opens her mouth for whatever is on her spoon. Tolar was feeding her some Rice Cereal last week and she decided that she wanted to feed herself. So he filled up the spoon and handed it to her and she guided the spoon right to her mouth. She's getting so big!!! Baby K also holds her bottle herself when eating her milk. And this past month we gave her some of the Gerber puffs. She likes them (and so do we!), but since they are so light she sometimes forgets that they are in her hand. We will keep working on getting her to pick those up and feed herself.
Clothing: I just packed up a lot of her 6 month clothes. I always get so sad when packing up her clothes because I can't handle how fast time is moving. Baby K is wearing 6-9 month clothes or just size 9 months. Its like she had a growth spurt over night. Some outfits that fit her last week are way to snug or short on her now. We bought her some dresses for Easter and for her Dedication at church, I hope they still fit when its time to wear them.
Miscellaneous: We started baby proofing the house. Tolar installed baby gates on our stairs because we know it is just a matter of time before we need them (plus my nephew is coming this weekend, so we need some proofing to protect him). She also is ALWAYS kicking. Even if she is sitting up, her legs are still going. Whether we are holding her, if she's laying down, sitting up, whatever - she's kicking. Tolar says that she has "Kevin Bacon syndrome - because she's always Footloose."
Monday, February 24, 2014
Redefine Your Skin
When I became a Consultant with Rodan + Fields Dermatologists (you can learn more about that here), I started using the Redefine Regimen each morning and night. That was two weeks ago and I am already noticing some results!
My skin is so smooth! I can't stop rubbing my face, it seriously feels like Baby K's super smooth skin. I even had Tolar rub my skin yesterday and he said it felt like satin sheets. If that isn't an amazing compliment, I don't know what is! And I'm already noticing that my pores are starting to become less noticeable. I cannot believe after just two weeks, I'm already seeing these kind of results.
To get good skin and to have flawless makeup, you must start with good skin care. Y'all the products are fantastic! The Redefine Regimen is a comprehensive skincare regiment that layers cosmetic ingredients and proven peptide technology to help defend against and reduce the visible signs of aging for noticeable firmer, smoother and flawless-looking skin. Everyone who has skin is aging, but its up to you to decide what that looks like! And these products can help.
The Rodan + Fields doctors are the same dermatologists who created Proactiv, so we all know their products work. And after trying them myself, I'm a firm believe that they yield results. I can't wait to see what my skin looks like after two months! I'm expecting big changes.
The Redefine Regimen comes with the following:
-Daily Cleansing Mask (its a cleanser and a mask in one!)
-Pore Minimizing Toner
-Triple Defense Treatment SPF 30
-Overnight Restorative Cream
You use the cleansing mask and the toner in both the morning and the evening. Then you use the SPF 30 cream in the morning to protect your skin from sun damage and the overnight restorative cream at night. With these products, a little goes a long way!!!
Now I know I'm not in my 50's or 60's, but aging skin is something that I want to start to prevent now before it gets out of hand. Good skin care is all about prevention. But the good thing about these Rodan + Fields products is that you can reverse the signs of aging too. Check out this video to see some amazing results from people who have used the Rodan + Fields products.
If you like what you see, I'd love to share some more information with you. We have different Regimens and products for tons of different skin types/problems. Leave a comment below with your biggest skin problem or send me an e-mail directly ( I'd love to help change your skin.
Friday, February 21, 2014
High Five For Friday
Friday, you are so faithful. It's good to see you again, my friend.
Here are the top five moments from my week.
1.) Tolar MAXED it out for our first Valentine's Day as parents. He planned out an entire day, which started with breakfast in bed and the first clue to a V Day scavenger hunt.
2.) My prize during the scavenger hunt was an 80 minute massage - which was fabulous!!! I snapped this picture in the locker room right before my massage began.
3.) Feast your eyes on rarely happens. Baby K snuggled with me for a little while! I was in heaven.
4.) This little cutie enjoyed a day of outlet shopping with me, Tolar, my mother in law and niece. She keeps us smiling. Love that tongue!
5.) Oh my goodness, I can't handle the cuteness in this photo. These two are my life.
Linking up this High Five For Friday with Lauren Elizabeth.
Here are the top five moments from my week.
1.) Tolar MAXED it out for our first Valentine's Day as parents. He planned out an entire day, which started with breakfast in bed and the first clue to a V Day scavenger hunt.
2.) My prize during the scavenger hunt was an 80 minute massage - which was fabulous!!! I snapped this picture in the locker room right before my massage began.
3.) Feast your eyes on rarely happens. Baby K snuggled with me for a little while! I was in heaven.
4.) This little cutie enjoyed a day of outlet shopping with me, Tolar, my mother in law and niece. She keeps us smiling. Love that tongue!
5.) Oh my goodness, I can't handle the cuteness in this photo. These two are my life.
Linking up this High Five For Friday with Lauren Elizabeth.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Some Honest Thoughts
Today's post while featuring pictures of Baby K in one of her adorable outfits doesn't have much to do with fashion at all. I figure I better throw a little bit of some fashion/style info your way though (it is Wednesday after all)- so I'll just say this: Layering works well with babies. You see this cute little mint outfit that Baby K is wearing? It is seriously too cold for her to wear that with no sleeves, but come on, its too cute to pass up. So I pulled out a long sleeve white onesie, put that on under the mint outfit, added some super soft and super comfortable (I imagine) fleece pants and voila! Instant layering outfit for my baby that keeps her super warm.
Now on to what's really on my mind. Baby K has been going through some separation anxiety for a few months and it is really taking its toll on me. Everything first started around Christmas, which was sadly a very rough time for us. Anytime someone besides myself and Tolar held her, she would cry (although she went to my brother in law, so score there!). Even if I sat next to her while someone else was holding or playing with her, she would cry. I chalked it up at the time to the fact that there were a lot of people around, she could feel our sadness over losing my Mimi and our sweet JoJo and that she was in a new place and just not used to everything. It was heartbreaking to give her to my Mom or Dad and have her cry. My Mom assured me that it didn't bother her and that as long as Baby K went to Miss Gina (her daycare provider) that is what really mattered.
We had some good weeks where she would go to the nursery at church with zero problems and she even played all night long with my friend Marcy while Tolar and I were sick. So I thought she was passed it. Then this weekend my mother in law and niece were visiting and Baby K cried again. I couldn't even leave the room without her breaking down and sobbing - I'm talking big fat crocodile tears pouring down her cheeks. There were plenty of moments where she was with them and didn't cry, it wasn't until she saw me and remembered that she missed me that she would cry. And I let it get to me. I don't want to spoil my daughter by always holding her whenever she cries, what am I teaching her then? But I sometimes cannot stand to hear her in such distress, it seriously breaks my heart.
Numerous people have told me that this is completely normal and part of her natural development and I understand that, but I'm just curious what can I do to help the situation? I don't want to hinder her development and growing in any way by always rushing to pick her up when she cries. But I don't want her to think I have abandoned her by not coming to her rescue. Lots of conflicting thoughts were running through my head. So what did I do? I plopped Baby K in a stroller on Monday afternoon and went on a walk. I love to talk to God when I go on walks, it is always very calming and peaceful. And trust me, I have A LOT to talk to God about right now. Lots of changes are happening in my life.
So as I was walking, I was praying to God and thanking Him for my amazing daughter. She truly is a miracle and an answer to prayer. While I was praying to God and seeking His help in so many areas of my life, I realized Baby K cries for the same reasons that I cry out to God. She cries in someone else's arms because she knows that she can trust Tolar and I. She feels safe when she is with us and knows that her comfort comes from us. She will eventually learn trust from other people, but right now we are what she knows as a safe place. And that made me stop dead in my tracks. Thank you for that, God! Thank you for reminding me that my sweet little almost 8 month old is very much dependent on me. Thank you for reminding me that Tolar and I were CHOSEN to be her parents and WE are the ones that get to mold and shape her into an incredible human being. We are her parents, responsible for her. I want my daughter to always feel safe with us, to know that we will comfort her and help make bad things better. And I will do whatever it takes to maintain her trust all throughout her life. Thank you for trusting us with her.
Outfit Details:
White onesie: Babies R Us.
Mint onesie: Target (gift).
Pink Fleece pants: Carter's.
Sock: Old Navy.
Hair bow: Carter's outlet.
(Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday and Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday.)
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
February Beauty Box 5
Beauty Box 5 gifted me with a monthly subscription. All opinions in the below post are completely my own.
Happy Birthday to Beauty Box 5! Back in February 2012, Beauty Box 5 first started delivering beauty samples from amazing brands to the doors of their awesome subscribers. Two years later, they send me an INCREDIBLE box to celebrate their birthday. I'm in love with Beauty Box 5, there is nothing more to say.
For those of you who haven't seen my previous posts, Beauty Box 5 is a monthly subscription service that delivers five cosmetic samples straight to your door for just $12 a month. I love it because I get introduced to new beauty products and they easily fit into my beauty routine. Click this link to sign up for your own subscription or if you want to send a subscription to a special someone.
For this special February Birthday box, I received some great products. I think its safe to say this is my favorite box yet. Here is what came in my box:
1.) Rockstar Nails Nail Polish - How can you not love a nail polish with the name of Rockstar? And the color is hot pink! Perfect timing to get me all ready for spring - a bold nail color will help perk me right up.
2.) Rockstar Nails Nail Sprinkles - I've never used sprinkles on my nails before, only glitter, so I'm really excited to try this. I love the look I've seen on some people when they apply the sprinkles to one of their nails. I will most definitely be trying this look soon. Beauty Box 5 also gave me two different suggestions on ways to apply the sprinkles - so helpful!
3.) John Frieda Luxurious Volume Shampoo and Conditioner - With my fine, thin hair, I'm all about adding volume to my hair and John Frieda is a brand I trust. I'm so excited to try these volume products to see if it works in my hair. I love that BB5 didn't just send me one sample, I got multiple samples to really give the products a try.
4.) Every Beauty Makeup Remover Pads - How cool are these products? They start out as dry pads and all you have to do is add water. These are perfect for traveling because you don't have to worry about your wipes drying out or worry that some liquid will spill out into your bag. You just wet the pads whenever you are ready to use and wipe your makeup away. Genius!
5.) Elizabeth Mott It's So Big Volumizing Mascara - Stay tuned for a full review coming soon of this mascara. I'm so excited to try it as I'm all about achieving full lashes and with a name like It's So Big, I can't wait to see the results.
Another month, another great box. I'm so glad that Beauty Box 5 asked me to work with them. Not only do I get to introduce a TERRIFIC product to all of you, but I get to try out tons of great beauty samples each month. Seriously, sign up for a subscription. Its totally worth the money and I am sure you will love it as much as I do. You can always just click the ad on my left sidebar at anytime to sign up for a subscription. Cheers!
Happy Birthday to Beauty Box 5! Back in February 2012, Beauty Box 5 first started delivering beauty samples from amazing brands to the doors of their awesome subscribers. Two years later, they send me an INCREDIBLE box to celebrate their birthday. I'm in love with Beauty Box 5, there is nothing more to say.
For those of you who haven't seen my previous posts, Beauty Box 5 is a monthly subscription service that delivers five cosmetic samples straight to your door for just $12 a month. I love it because I get introduced to new beauty products and they easily fit into my beauty routine. Click this link to sign up for your own subscription or if you want to send a subscription to a special someone.
For this special February Birthday box, I received some great products. I think its safe to say this is my favorite box yet. Here is what came in my box:
1.) Rockstar Nails Nail Polish - How can you not love a nail polish with the name of Rockstar? And the color is hot pink! Perfect timing to get me all ready for spring - a bold nail color will help perk me right up.
2.) Rockstar Nails Nail Sprinkles - I've never used sprinkles on my nails before, only glitter, so I'm really excited to try this. I love the look I've seen on some people when they apply the sprinkles to one of their nails. I will most definitely be trying this look soon. Beauty Box 5 also gave me two different suggestions on ways to apply the sprinkles - so helpful!
3.) John Frieda Luxurious Volume Shampoo and Conditioner - With my fine, thin hair, I'm all about adding volume to my hair and John Frieda is a brand I trust. I'm so excited to try these volume products to see if it works in my hair. I love that BB5 didn't just send me one sample, I got multiple samples to really give the products a try.
4.) Every Beauty Makeup Remover Pads - How cool are these products? They start out as dry pads and all you have to do is add water. These are perfect for traveling because you don't have to worry about your wipes drying out or worry that some liquid will spill out into your bag. You just wet the pads whenever you are ready to use and wipe your makeup away. Genius!
5.) Elizabeth Mott It's So Big Volumizing Mascara - Stay tuned for a full review coming soon of this mascara. I'm so excited to try it as I'm all about achieving full lashes and with a name like It's So Big, I can't wait to see the results.
Another month, another great box. I'm so glad that Beauty Box 5 asked me to work with them. Not only do I get to introduce a TERRIFIC product to all of you, but I get to try out tons of great beauty samples each month. Seriously, sign up for a subscription. Its totally worth the money and I am sure you will love it as much as I do. You can always just click the ad on my left sidebar at anytime to sign up for a subscription. Cheers!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Dressing Up Your Snail Mail
Being a Southern lady, I firmly believe in sending a thank you note whenever anyone blesses you with a gift or does something nice for you. And I mean a hand written thank you note. Does anyone else get excited about receiving snail mail, or is that just me? Well, the snail mail that doesn't include junk or bills that is.
Sometimes a letter needs a little dressing up, to give it that extra punch and let the receiver know that you were really thinking of them and took time to put some extra care into their mail. And I have found the perfect Etsy shop to help you out. Check out Paper Plane. The super fantastic Niquelle has created her own one-woman shop full of adorable and quirky cards and oh so cool stamps.
Niquelle dreams up everything you see in her shop and makes it all in house. She comes up with the witty words and designs for her cards, carves her stamps, cuts the paper, prints the cards and makes all the envelopes. Its incredible and I am so excited to introduce her shop to you all. Because she does everything herself, you know that you are getting a quality product. She takes the time to inspect everything and make sure it is to your liking. You can view all of her cool products by clicking on this link to get to her Etsy shop.
Niquelle sent me this awesome initial stamp for me to use with all of my mail and I absolutely love it! I love being able to add an extra personal touch on the outside of the envelope. The stamp added some extra flair to a plain white envelope. And be sure to check out her other stamp offerings - I'm in love with this snail mail stamp. It seriously is so cute. The stamp she sent me is GREAT quality, I know it will last me for a long time and I am just so amazed that she carved it all by hand. That makes ME feel special. So I certainly hope the receivers of my letters feel special too.
And Paper Plane is a green company! All of the paper is recycled and FSC certified from a company that utilies renewable energy. Niquelle reuses her scraps for business cards as well as small note pads for new sketches and testing stamps. So not only do you get to support her and her business, but you can rest easy knowing that you are helping take care of the earth too!
One thing you must know about Niquelle is that she is so easy to work with. She loves to do custom orders and is happy to personalize anything you like. She's super responsive when you contact her and willing to answer your questions to make sure you love the products. I was thrilled to work with her and cannot wait to order some of her adorable cards. I love this card for an anniversary - so cute and clever.
And because Niquelle is so fantastic, she is offering discounts to you - my fabulous Pursuit of Pink readers. Through the end of February, you can receive two different discounts when you visit Paper Plane on Etsy.
To get 25% off all paper products, enter code PAPERGOODS25 at checkout.
To get 15% off any stamp, enter code STAMPAWAY15 at checkout.
So head over there right now and check out all of her fab offerings. And then once you make your order, I am sure you will brighten someone's day by sending them one of Paper Plane's awesome cards. Happy Snail Mailing!
Sometimes a letter needs a little dressing up, to give it that extra punch and let the receiver know that you were really thinking of them and took time to put some extra care into their mail. And I have found the perfect Etsy shop to help you out. Check out Paper Plane. The super fantastic Niquelle has created her own one-woman shop full of adorable and quirky cards and oh so cool stamps.
Niquelle dreams up everything you see in her shop and makes it all in house. She comes up with the witty words and designs for her cards, carves her stamps, cuts the paper, prints the cards and makes all the envelopes. Its incredible and I am so excited to introduce her shop to you all. Because she does everything herself, you know that you are getting a quality product. She takes the time to inspect everything and make sure it is to your liking. You can view all of her cool products by clicking on this link to get to her Etsy shop.
Niquelle sent me this awesome initial stamp for me to use with all of my mail and I absolutely love it! I love being able to add an extra personal touch on the outside of the envelope. The stamp added some extra flair to a plain white envelope. And be sure to check out her other stamp offerings - I'm in love with this snail mail stamp. It seriously is so cute. The stamp she sent me is GREAT quality, I know it will last me for a long time and I am just so amazed that she carved it all by hand. That makes ME feel special. So I certainly hope the receivers of my letters feel special too.
And Paper Plane is a green company! All of the paper is recycled and FSC certified from a company that utilies renewable energy. Niquelle reuses her scraps for business cards as well as small note pads for new sketches and testing stamps. So not only do you get to support her and her business, but you can rest easy knowing that you are helping take care of the earth too!
One thing you must know about Niquelle is that she is so easy to work with. She loves to do custom orders and is happy to personalize anything you like. She's super responsive when you contact her and willing to answer your questions to make sure you love the products. I was thrilled to work with her and cannot wait to order some of her adorable cards. I love this card for an anniversary - so cute and clever.
And because Niquelle is so fantastic, she is offering discounts to you - my fabulous Pursuit of Pink readers. Through the end of February, you can receive two different discounts when you visit Paper Plane on Etsy.
To get 25% off all paper products, enter code PAPERGOODS25 at checkout.
To get 15% off any stamp, enter code STAMPAWAY15 at checkout.
So head over there right now and check out all of her fab offerings. And then once you make your order, I am sure you will brighten someone's day by sending them one of Paper Plane's awesome cards. Happy Snail Mailing!
Friday, February 14, 2014
High Five For Friday
Hi everyone! Happy weekend!
Just like every week, I'm glad this week is coming to a close. Tolar and I both got really sick with a 24 hour bug on Wednesday (hence why there was no post yesterday) and I definitely don't want to go through that again. I have to give a HUGE shout out to my sweet friend Marcy who came over Wednesday night to watch Baby K so Tolar and I could rest and not get her sick. Marcy's the best!!!
Now on to the top five moments from my week:
1.) I got my shipment full of Rodan + Fields products this week and I'm not the only one excited about them. Y'all my skin has already changed in just one week - it's so smooth and I'm already noticing that my pores are starting to appear smaller.
2.) Tolar took care of Baby K so I could go out for girls night with my fab friends Erica and Marcy. We got mani/pedis and then went for pizza. It was JUST what I needed.
4.) Before Tolar and I got sick, Baby K's daycare provider also got sick. So Tolar stayed home from work to spend the day with our girl. I got this picture at work and immediately wanted to be home with them. They definitely had a great daddy/daughter day.
5.) We got a snow day! You guys know I have been wanting a snow day for a long time. And this one came at the perfect time - since Tolar and I were sick on Wednesday, it was super nice to have an extra day to recuperate.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Just like every week, I'm glad this week is coming to a close. Tolar and I both got really sick with a 24 hour bug on Wednesday (hence why there was no post yesterday) and I definitely don't want to go through that again. I have to give a HUGE shout out to my sweet friend Marcy who came over Wednesday night to watch Baby K so Tolar and I could rest and not get her sick. Marcy's the best!!!
Now on to the top five moments from my week:
1.) I got my shipment full of Rodan + Fields products this week and I'm not the only one excited about them. Y'all my skin has already changed in just one week - it's so smooth and I'm already noticing that my pores are starting to appear smaller.
2.) Tolar took care of Baby K so I could go out for girls night with my fab friends Erica and Marcy. We got mani/pedis and then went for pizza. It was JUST what I needed.
3.) So Baby K's favorite toys are all hand me downs. And this musical stand that my friend Kirstin let us borrow is her new favorite. She loves this thing! And we love watching her giggle and play with it.
5.) We got a snow day! You guys know I have been wanting a snow day for a long time. And this one came at the perfect time - since Tolar and I were sick on Wednesday, it was super nice to have an extra day to recuperate.
I'm linking up this High Five For Friday post with Lauren Elizabeth.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Wore: Valentine's Date Night Outfit (A Collaboration)
Hey lovelies! I am so excited to share today's wore post with you. The lovely, amazing, hilarious and #1 blogger in all of the land, Sarah from Venus Trapped in Mars, is collaborating with me today.
We both dug into our closets and selected outfits to wear on Valentine's Day for a hot date. And your version of a hot date can be whatever you want it to be! It's all about looking good for whomever you want.
I decided to show everyone how you can dress up for Valentine's Day by using items you already own and accessorizing - no need to break the bank. I selected one of my favorite black wrap dresses (thank you DVF for coming up with this amazing wrap dress creation) and paired it with pink accessories. Everyone has a little black dress, right? So you can certainly achieve this look. In addition to the little black dress, I grabbed some of my favorite heels and made the outfit pop by adding some pink tights. Then I found a hot pink belt to add some extra color to my outfit and finished the look with a pink bracelet and pink necklace.
I think the black dress and grey shoes help keep the outfit from looking too overly pink. And seriously, everything I'm wearing I already had. Just shop your closet, look at accessories as ways to dress up an outfit (or completely change an outfit) and mix and match. It's so easy to achieve so many looks with just some basic pieces. If you have questions about pieces from your closet and how you can pair them with other items, I'd love to help. Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me.
Now, let's talk about Sarah's fab outfit. I love that she took this absolutely adorable dress (or tunic as she called it if you are over 5'7) and made it extra flirty. Adding the fitted blush pink blazer gave it just the right amount of feminineness that it needed without looking too girly. And those boots she is wearing? To die for! I'm so jealous of them and need to find me some. They look like they could go with a lot of items, so you would definitely get your money's worth out of them. And her leggings are so smart, because this country is getting ready to get slapped with some serious snow storms, so wearing leggings helps keep your legs warm all while looking super cute. Her final touch by adding the clutch pulls the whole look together, making her ready for a night out.
Now, if you don't already know about Sarah's fab blog, Venus Trapped in Mars, I wish I could shake you and say "why the heck not?" Because this lady blew up the blog world with her amazing content, hilarious sense of humor and super awesome design skills. I love everything about her blog. Sarah is the perfect girl in my opinion: she's into fashion, LOVES sports (and even breaks it down for us girls who know nothing about sports and makes it look - should I even say it - fun!), she's super friendly and totally awesome. I wish I lived near her so I could meet her in real life and hang out with her just once. I'm sure I would be laughing all night long. Go check out her blog now! And I must say, if you are a blogger, consider placing your button on her sidebar. I can guarantee that your blog will grow! The traffic I received from her blog in just one day was incredible. You won't be disappointed.
And to show one of you lucky readers just how fab her blog is, Sarah is giving away some free ad space! Use the rafflecopter below to enter to win a free ESPN ad space on Venus Trapped in Mars. If I wasn't hosting the giveaway on my blog, I'd be all over entering. So get on it!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday, Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday, Walking in Memphis in High Heels for Trend Spin and Style Elixir for Style Sessions.
We both dug into our closets and selected outfits to wear on Valentine's Day for a hot date. And your version of a hot date can be whatever you want it to be! It's all about looking good for whomever you want.
I think the black dress and grey shoes help keep the outfit from looking too overly pink. And seriously, everything I'm wearing I already had. Just shop your closet, look at accessories as ways to dress up an outfit (or completely change an outfit) and mix and match. It's so easy to achieve so many looks with just some basic pieces. If you have questions about pieces from your closet and how you can pair them with other items, I'd love to help. Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me.
My outfit details:
Dress: JCPenney.
Shoes: Payless! (old)
Tights and Belt: Target.
Bracelet: Caesar's Palace.
Necklace: Crave Jewels.
Sarah's Outfit Details:
Blazer and Dress: Forever 21.
Leggings: Yummie Brand.
Boots: Vince Camuto.
And to show one of you lucky readers just how fab her blog is, Sarah is giving away some free ad space! Use the rafflecopter below to enter to win a free ESPN ad space on Venus Trapped in Mars. If I wasn't hosting the giveaway on my blog, I'd be all over entering. So get on it!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday, Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday, Walking in Memphis in High Heels for Trend Spin and Style Elixir for Style Sessions.
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- Dressing Up Your Snail Mail
- High Five For Friday
- Wore: Valentine's Date Night Outfit (A Collaboration)
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- High Five For Friday
- Wore: Mommy and Me
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- Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink
- Welcome to Pursuit of Pink. I'm Lindsay and I'm so glad you are here. I believe a positive life is a happy life. Join me as I try to walk that out daily - in life, motherhood, style and more.