Friday, January 31, 2014
High Five For Friday
Happy weekend party people! This has been an insane week and I am beyond relieved that its Friday!
Since I didn't have a High Five For Friday post last week, I'm sharing some awesome moments from the past two weeks. So here we go:
1.) We got a new mattress! Tolar and I decided it was time to make the switch over to a foam mattress so we bought the Sealy Posturepedic and really like it. If hitting 30, owning my house or being a Mom don't make me an adult - willingly purchasing a mattress sure does.
2.) Last week Tolar and I both got a snow day off from work and got to spend all day relaxing and cuddling with our little girl. It was awesome and I'm ready for another one!
3.) And speaking of snow, my sister and brother in law down in South Carolina got a snow day from work! My cute little nephew got to play in the snow for the first time.
4.) My church collected items for the homeless people here in D.C. and called the initiative Stuff the Bus. Everyone filled tote bags with necessary items and packed them on a bus; we had a lot of fun shopping at Target and buying everything for those in need. It feels great to give back.
5.) And finally, there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing this smiling face. Even if she is chewing on Daddy's glasses.
I'm linking up this post with Lauren Elizabeth. Have a terrific weekend!
Since I didn't have a High Five For Friday post last week, I'm sharing some awesome moments from the past two weeks. So here we go:
1.) We got a new mattress! Tolar and I decided it was time to make the switch over to a foam mattress so we bought the Sealy Posturepedic and really like it. If hitting 30, owning my house or being a Mom don't make me an adult - willingly purchasing a mattress sure does.
2.) Last week Tolar and I both got a snow day off from work and got to spend all day relaxing and cuddling with our little girl. It was awesome and I'm ready for another one!
3.) And speaking of snow, my sister and brother in law down in South Carolina got a snow day from work! My cute little nephew got to play in the snow for the first time.
4.) My church collected items for the homeless people here in D.C. and called the initiative Stuff the Bus. Everyone filled tote bags with necessary items and packed them on a bus; we had a lot of fun shopping at Target and buying everything for those in need. It feels great to give back.
5.) And finally, there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing this smiling face. Even if she is chewing on Daddy's glasses.
I'm linking up this post with Lauren Elizabeth. Have a terrific weekend!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Jewelry Options for Valentine's Day
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I'm making sure I am ready to celebrate. I already gave you my post on my beauty essentials for Valentine's Day and today I'm sharing some thoughts on jewelry.
Special occasions call for special jewelry right? Well I have found an amazing fine jewelry site called where you can customize the jewelry to fit your specific style and preference. You get to pick the type of metal, diamond size, diamond/gemstone quality and length/size. Ladies, you will probably want to share this site with that important man in your life. Let's be honest, we just need to make it easy on them.
They have such beautiful jewelry that would complement any Valentine's Day outfit or make the absolute perfect gift. I love a very classic look when it comes to fine jewelry, nothing too gaudy (I'm not a Real Housewife) so Anjolee is the perfect place for me to make sure I get exactly what I want. I love that their jewelry is completely customizable, I mean seriously check out this Birthstone Bracelet to see!
Below are some of my favorite pieces, I'm dreaming of them right now. I would style all of these pieces with a cute black dress, some red lipstick and red nails. Here is one of my favorite black dresses that these pieces of jewelry would look great with.
I'm getting ready to Frost Myself! Name that movie...and go!
These are so simple and elegant, a very classic choice. I have a princess cut diamond on my engagement ring so naturally I chose the same cut here. These earrings aren't too big to become flashy and could work with multiple pieces I already have in my accessory collection.
This is a dream bracelet all the way. I love how each piece looks like a cushion cut diamond, so beautiful.
Gorgeous, that's all I can say about this pendant. I love that this necklace is so classic that I could wear this to work or pair it with a special outfit for a celebration.
Do you have any favorite pieces of fine jewelry? Any dream purchases you hope to make in the future? Tell me about them below.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Lace and Lipstick
I'm in love with the lace detail on this shirt. What started out as just an ordinary grey t-shirt is now dressed up just by adding lace. Thank you White House Black Market; genius move on your part. I'm all about accessories and attention to detail and this little detail just makes me feel extra special when I put the shirt on. Don't you just love a dressy t-shirt? You get the ease and comfort but still look like you classed it up a bit!
And let's talk about the fact that I matched my lipstick to my shoes. It was a total accident. I thought since I was dressed all in grey and black that I should add some color, so the wine color shoes were my first addition. Then I figured, why not try a bit of a bolder lip color instead of my normal go-to lip color. And now looking through these photos, my lips and shoes match. Oops. Although, I have to say, the snow in the background really makes my lipstick pop! If only I could take the snow with me to act as an additional accessory.
Skirt: LOFT (similar).
Shirt: White House Black Market.
Sweater & Tights: Target.
Shoes: Famous Footwear.
Necklace: gift.
Earrings: Kiki La'Rue.
I'm linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday, Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday and Style Elixir for Style Sessions.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Closer to 1 Than a Newborn
Have we really passed the half-way mark and now have a child who is closer to 1 year old than a newborn? We are having so much fun being the parents to miss Baby K. She brings us so much joy and happiness and we have a blast watching her develop and learn new things daily. I am constantly in awe of just how much love I have for this child - it grows every day. Just when I think I can't love her anymore, bam! my heart explodes.
Stats: 16.6 pounds (we don't go back to the doctor until she is 9 months old, so I weighed her on our home scale).
Development: This girl finally likes to be on her belly, so we are hopeful/terrified that she will be crawling soon. She has sitting up on lock down and that is her preferred way to do things now. Not much laying down, as she would rather be sitting up and leaning forward, getting in on the action. Everything goes in her mouth - EVERYTHING. She is doing great with exchanging items between her hands and taking things out of our hands so she can hold them. And the girl has quite the grip, just ask my hair! We started giving her a sippy cup with water. She can hold it for a little bit, but then it falls. We will keep working on it. She is extremely interested in what is happening around her, always checking out her surroundings and taking everything in. She gets distracted a lot because she realizes there is something new to look at.
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Distracted by her toys while I tried to take her picture. |
Loves: She loves to look at herself in the mirror. I'm not sure if she realizes it is herself, but she just smiles and giggles whenever she catches a glimpse. We've turned it into part of our morning routine for me to make a stop in the bathroom with her so she can see in the mirror. For Christmas, my sister and brother in law got her a dinosaur toy that shoots balls all around and she just loves to watch them fly and bounce. I love to see/hear her laugh and I think Baby K really likes to laugh too, because we get a lot of giggles. She loves to rough house with Daddy; her current favorite is for him to hold her upside down by her ankles. It scares me every. single. time, but she loves it. She also likes it when we put a blanket over her head and she has to pull it off, playing the "where are you" game. She thinks it is hilarious. And she recently really started enjoying playing with her Daddy's drum sticks. She will shake them and sometimes hit them together (pure accident whenever that happens). Tolar loves to see her so happy with drum sticks.
Dislikes: She doesn't like to eat when she is full. I hope that this is a quality that she will keep and not overeat when she gets older. But if she is full and we are still trying to feed her, she will move her head all around and keep her lips as tight as possible. She also doesn't like to be bored. One Saturday this past month, we spent a lot of time at the house and had Baby K on the floor playing with her toys for most of the day. By the end of the night she had enough of her toys and just wasn't happy. So we realized that she was bored and decided to have a family dance party in the living room. All three of us danced and sang to Garth Brooks - it was awesome.
Sleeping: We are very lucky, because Baby K is still an amazing sleeper. She sleeps between 10-12 hours a night. Recently she has started waking up around 6 a.m. and will just talk to herself in her crib. I'll go in after a little while and shush her or turn on her projector (so she has something to look at on the ceiling) and she will go right back to sleep (she normally gets up around 7:15 a.m.). And recently, I don't know what got into her, but she is napping better for us at home. She used to only take good naps for Miss Gina (the lady who keeps her during the day), but the past couple of weeks have yielded amazing naps at home. I'm talking 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Man, I wish I could sleep as much as this girl does. I sure miss her though when she is asleep. I often want to go pick her up and hold her because I miss her so much.
Diapers: Still in size 2 Pampers Swaddlers and Baby Dry at night. We love Pampers, they have been amazing with no blow outs.
Eating: We've introduced a lot of different foods to her because we really want to try and keep her from being picky. I have read that it could take a baby 10 times before they like a food; luckily it only has taken us about 2 or 3 tries to get her to like something new. She loves pears and carrots the most. She's like a baby bird when its time to eat, as soon as she gets in her highchair and sees me getting her bowl ready, she starts opening her mouth. It is seriously so cute. Her main source of food is still breastmilk and we are slowly adding more pureed food to her diet.
Clothing: Baby K just started wearing 6-9 month clothes. A lot of her 6 month clothes still fit, though they are starting to get snug. Its been VERY cold around here lately, so I keep her in a fleece sleeper most days because I want her to stay warm and cozy. Although I do still dress her up a lot too, did you see my baby fashion post from last week? It is so fun to dress her. I always get sad whenever I have to pack up clothes that are too small for her, but then I get excited because there are new outfits to try on.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Valentine's Day Beauty Essentials, Plus $1,000 PayPal Cash Giveaway!!!
I love dressing up for special occasions, something about the excitement and anticipation for a fun evening. So today, I'm sharing my favorite beauty products for a fab Valentine's Day - whether its with your boyfriend, husband, group of gals, parents, whatever - it sure is fun to get dressed up and spend time with those you love.
1.) Lancome Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow - I love their silver/glittery color called Drape, it creates a very dramatic eye without looking too over done. And a little glitter just makes the night extra special, right?
2.) Essie Nail Polish - It'st just not Valentine's Day without red nails. I love the Essie brand, they have so many amazing colors that last forever! This red is called Long Stem Roses.
3.) Mary Kay Lash Love Mascara - I'm a huge Mary Kay fan, they have so many great skin care and make up products and this mascara is no exception. I use it on a daily basis, but figured I would keep it in my Valentine's Day list too since gorgeous eyelashes are a must.
4.) Philosophy Shower Gel - Come on, you definitely need to use something titled "Falling in Love" on Valentine's Day. Plus, Philosophy has some of the best smelling products around.
5.) Clinique High Impact Lip Colour - I don't wear red lipstick all the time, but Valentine's Day is certainly the time to do it. Clinique has a great color called "Red-y To Wear" and this lipstick goes on very smooth.
6.) Chanel Chance Perfume - No joke, this is some of the best smelling perfume around. I once caught a fantastic whiff on a woman when I was out and about and I tracked her down to find out what glorious scent she was wearing. It was this - get some for yourself.
Do you have any favorite beauty products that you like to use on a special occasion like Valentine's Day? Tell me about it in the comments section below.
And now for a FANTASTIC treat!!! I have teamed up with a ton of wonderful bloggers to give one VERY LUCKY person $1,000 PayPal cash. That is what I call the best Valentine's Day gift ever. You could seriously buy a ton of chocolate and roses with $1,000. I can't even believe how big this is. If you don't want to win $1,000, I'll just ask you to enter and I'll take the $1,000 off your hands. No big deal, right?
But if you want the $1,000 for yourself, then enter as many times as you like using the rafflecopter widget below. Be sure to check out all of the awesome bloggers participating in the giveaway. Maybe you will find a new favorite. And I wish you the best of luck!!!
(This giveaway IS open to International readers)
Ashley Brooke | Diary of A Debutante | Mash Elle | Little MAC Book | Whiskey Ginger | Every Little Thing
Moda And The Mar | Ashton Wears Things | Covering The Bases | Teal Vogue | Life With Emily | A Vintage Splendor
Hannah, Here! | Living After Midnite | BKC Squared | A Fancy Affair | Stilettos and Sequins | Le Stylo Rouge
Pink Sole | Prosecco And Plaid | Beauty By Kendra C | Perfectly Coutured | Pursuit of Pink | Simply x Classic | Visions of Vogue
Try It On Me | Carolina Fireflies | Book of Leisure | Ash 'N' Fashn | From East To West Coast | Ladies in Navy | My Style Snapshot
Friday, January 24, 2014
Baby Fashionistas! A Baby Mama Link Up
I am so excited about today's post because not only do you get to see the cute clothes that Baby K rocks on a daily basis, but you get to see other budding fashionistas as well. I'm teaming up with my fab friend Katie (and her adorable daughter Addilyn) from the awesome blog For Lauren & Lauren to bring you this Baby Mama link up.
When I found out I was having a little girl, I was elated! I knew I would have a blast dressing her each day, I just wasn't prepared for how much fun I actually get to have. There are just so many cute things! Head bands and hair bows and tights and leggings and onesies and baby jeans - oh the baby jeans! I honestly don't think there is anything cuter than a plump little baby butt in a pair of baby jeans. Lucky for me, Baby K will wear anything I put her in. I sure am enjoying that now, because I know it won't last!
So check out some of Baby K's most recent outfits below. I think she may have a future as a fashion blogger, don't you think? I mean, this first photo says it all!
Be sure to hop over to Katie's blog to see how cute Addilyn is. Katie and I "met" while we were both pregnant and were due around the same time. Our girls were born within a month of each other - in fact if Baby K wasn't in such a hurry to arrive (she was three weeks early!) Baby K and Addilyn would only be a few days apart. It has been so fun going through similar baby situations as Katie and having her support through this very awesome journey called motherhood. I absolutely adore how honest Katie is about becoming a mom; she makes it easier for me to share my stories, victories and struggles. And she is quite the fashionista herself, go check her out.
Be sure to link up your cuties below! I can't wait to see everyone and perhaps even pick up a couple outfit thoughts for Baby K to try.
When I found out I was having a little girl, I was elated! I knew I would have a blast dressing her each day, I just wasn't prepared for how much fun I actually get to have. There are just so many cute things! Head bands and hair bows and tights and leggings and onesies and baby jeans - oh the baby jeans! I honestly don't think there is anything cuter than a plump little baby butt in a pair of baby jeans. Lucky for me, Baby K will wear anything I put her in. I sure am enjoying that now, because I know it won't last!
So check out some of Baby K's most recent outfits below. I think she may have a future as a fashion blogger, don't you think? I mean, this first photo says it all!
Onesie and socks: Old Navy.
Jeans: Target.
Headband: Jameson Monroe.
Outfit: gift.
(I wish I knew where this outfit was from because I would seriously buy her some more colored skinnies just like these in a heartbeat!)
Onesie and hat: gift. (Aren't you dying over her purse?)
Pants: Old Navy.
Socks: Nike.
Be sure to hop over to Katie's blog to see how cute Addilyn is. Katie and I "met" while we were both pregnant and were due around the same time. Our girls were born within a month of each other - in fact if Baby K wasn't in such a hurry to arrive (she was three weeks early!) Baby K and Addilyn would only be a few days apart. It has been so fun going through similar baby situations as Katie and having her support through this very awesome journey called motherhood. I absolutely adore how honest Katie is about becoming a mom; she makes it easier for me to share my stories, victories and struggles. And she is quite the fashionista herself, go check her out.
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I'm in love with her headband, Katie made it! |
Be sure to link up your cuties below! I can't wait to see everyone and perhaps even pick up a couple outfit thoughts for Baby K to try.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Cupid Cookies
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I'm sure you are all looking for some sweet treats to make for those that you love. Well, I have a super yummy cookie recipe for you to try! I call them Cupid Cookies, but some might call them Red Velvet Cookies too.
These cookies are pretty easy to make too, they just take some good old fashioned mixing. I found that they work best if you have a hand mixer, but I'm sure a Kitchen Aid Mixer would work too. I just prefer the hand mixer because I can really get all around the bowl, especially on the bottom. If you don't have either of those powerful mixers these might work by mixing by hand. You will seriously get quite the arm workout after mixing, so you get to eat double the cookies when all is said and done!
Here is everything that you need:
1 box of Red Velvet Cake Mix
1 cup flour
2 sticks butter, softened
1 egg
1 package (about 2 cups) white chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Start by whipping the softened butter in a large bowl until it is soft and fluffy.
Once the butter is whipped, then add in the cake mix and flour. I like to add in a little of the dry mix at a time so I don't overload the motor on my hand mixer. Be warned, the batter will be very thick. Just keep mixing until everything is combined.
Once combined, add in the egg and continue mixing.
Then add in your white chocolate chips. I like to mix the chocolate chips in by hand because the batter is really thick by this point.
Roll the dough into small balls, about 1 inch thick. Place on un-greased cookie sheets. (With two sticks of butter, there is enough grease in these cookies already!)
Bake for 10 minutes.
Yields: about 45 cookies
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Wore: My Go To Outfit
Ever since I bought these super comfortable and extremely versatile black jeans, I have had them in constant rotation. They seriously go with everything! With just enough stretch, they are easily the most comfortable pair of jeans I have ever owned. Pair the jeans with this fab shirt I recently purchased from LOFT, throw on my messenger hat and my black boots and boom! Pulled together in 2.5! No thinking whatsoever.
Which leads me to ask the question, how does everyone plan their outfits? Do you stare into your closet each morning, mixing and matching outfits? Do you pretty much know the entire contents of your closet and plan your outfit while in the shower (that's what I'm working with these days)? Do you pick your clothes out the night before? Do you try on a zillion things before finally deciding? I'd love to know, leave me a comment below and share your tips and tricks for getting ready each day!
Jeans: Old Navy.
Top: LOFT.
Boots: DSW.
Hat: Wet Seal (old).
Just a note for all of you Mamas out there with cute and adorable kids: I'm co-hosting a link up with Katie from For Lauren & Lauren for you to show off those cute kids and their awesome clothes. So for those of you with budding fashionistas on your hands, join us THIS FRIDAY (January 24). No rules, just link up photos of your cute kids.
I'm linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday, Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday and Style Elixir for Style Sessions.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
How Do You Super Bowl? Plus A Giveaway
You may or may not have figured this out yet, but I'm not really the biggest football fan. Shocking I know! However, I do like to keep up on current events and pop culture, so skipping the Super Bowl isn't really an option for me. I mean come on, those commercials are genius! I've got to at least watch those right?
So enter my favorite kind of Super Bowl party. Several years ago when I was still living in Roanoke, my dear friends Stephanie and Daryn threw a Super Bowl/Super Model party and I have loved the idea ever since. Who doesn't like a party? The food, the wine, the friends, the laughter, bring it. Everyone loves that! But football and girl talk can sure separate a party. And that's where the genius plan for a Super Bowl/Super Model party comes in handy. This type of party works best when you have a house with two separate floors.
For those who really like football and are into the big game, they can have their own party by the tv. Cheering at touchdowns, yelling at the refs, chugging some beer and high fiving each other is allowed and encouraged. In a separate room, you will find the types like me. Those that don't understand the rules to football, who have no clue when the season ends and would much rather talk about the red carpet looks at the Oscars. For that party wine is served, recipes are swapped, Super Bowl sales are discussed and makeup is touched up.
The two parties get to come together during the commercial breaks and the half time show. Because seriously, even if you don't like football you sure don't want to miss Beyonce reuniting with Kelly and Michelle, am I right? "I don't think you're ready for this jelly."
And to get everyone ready for however you celebrate the Super Bowl, I've teamed up with and some fabulous bloggers to give away a $250 e-gift card to Amazon or a store of your choice from this link. Just enter using the Rafflecopter below and be sure to hop over to the other blogs to see how they celebrate the Super Bowl.
I'd like to know how you watch the Super Bowl. So leave me a comment below - who knows maybe I'll try one of your ideas and actually end up liking football...yeah, never mind, I must have fallen asleep while I typed that. But seriously, I'd still love to hear your ideas. So share away!

So enter my favorite kind of Super Bowl party. Several years ago when I was still living in Roanoke, my dear friends Stephanie and Daryn threw a Super Bowl/Super Model party and I have loved the idea ever since. Who doesn't like a party? The food, the wine, the friends, the laughter, bring it. Everyone loves that! But football and girl talk can sure separate a party. And that's where the genius plan for a Super Bowl/Super Model party comes in handy. This type of party works best when you have a house with two separate floors.
For those who really like football and are into the big game, they can have their own party by the tv. Cheering at touchdowns, yelling at the refs, chugging some beer and high fiving each other is allowed and encouraged. In a separate room, you will find the types like me. Those that don't understand the rules to football, who have no clue when the season ends and would much rather talk about the red carpet looks at the Oscars. For that party wine is served, recipes are swapped, Super Bowl sales are discussed and makeup is touched up.
The two parties get to come together during the commercial breaks and the half time show. Because seriously, even if you don't like football you sure don't want to miss Beyonce reuniting with Kelly and Michelle, am I right? "I don't think you're ready for this jelly."
And to get everyone ready for however you celebrate the Super Bowl, I've teamed up with and some fabulous bloggers to give away a $250 e-gift card to Amazon or a store of your choice from this link. Just enter using the Rafflecopter below and be sure to hop over to the other blogs to see how they celebrate the Super Bowl.
I'd like to know how you watch the Super Bowl. So leave me a comment below - who knows maybe I'll try one of your ideas and actually end up liking football...yeah, never mind, I must have fallen asleep while I typed that. But seriously, I'd still love to hear your ideas. So share away!

This giveaway is open to US residents only.
Monday, January 20, 2014
January Beauty Box 5
Beauty Box 5 has provided me with a complimentary subscription for review purposes. All opinions in this post are my own.
Its time to reveal what fab products came in my Beauty Box 5 for this month. But first, for those of you who don't know what Beauty Box 5 is - listen up! Beauty Box 5 is a beauty subscription service that sends a box with five different beauty samples to your mailbox each month for just $12. I love this subscription because I get introduced to new products that easily fit into my daily beauty routine. To sign up for your own, you can click here.
On to the January box! Here is what I received:
1.) Swissco Bath & Shower Exfoliating Gloves - I've never used exfoliating gloves before, but these are great! They help slough away dead skin easily and painlessly. I especially like to use them around my ankles and on my heels to help keep my feet smooth.
2.) Epic Blend Hemp Coconut Lip Balm - A girl can never have too much lip balm, right? I love the smell of this because it reminds me of somewhere tropical, which I definitely like to think about during these super cold winter months. And this organic lip balm keeps my lips smooth for hours on end!
3.) Nubar Cuticle & Nail Oil - I LOVE that this January box is all about keeping me smooth and moisturized. I often have very dry cuticles and by applying just a few drops of this oil, they are instantly smooth.
4.) Jergens Daily Moisturizer - During the winter months with frigid temps and cold winds, my hands can really get dried out. This daily moisturizer helps keep them smooth and feeling great. I love to keep small bottles of lotion in my car, purse, diaper bag and desk to keep me moisturized all day long.
5.) H2O Plus Spa Sea Lotus Body Wash - This body wash has one of the greatest and clean scents ever. And the lather is incredible, I highly recommend!
6.) BB5 bonus product Mirror Compact from That Awkward Moment - Just like lip balm, a girl can never have too many mirrors. Well, Tolar thinks that's my motto at least. And thanks to the new movie That Awkward Moment, I now have another mirror to keep in my purse for quick makeup touch ups so I don't have to encounter my own awkward moment. :)
Its time to reveal what fab products came in my Beauty Box 5 for this month. But first, for those of you who don't know what Beauty Box 5 is - listen up! Beauty Box 5 is a beauty subscription service that sends a box with five different beauty samples to your mailbox each month for just $12. I love this subscription because I get introduced to new products that easily fit into my daily beauty routine. To sign up for your own, you can click here.
On to the January box! Here is what I received:
1.) Swissco Bath & Shower Exfoliating Gloves - I've never used exfoliating gloves before, but these are great! They help slough away dead skin easily and painlessly. I especially like to use them around my ankles and on my heels to help keep my feet smooth.
2.) Epic Blend Hemp Coconut Lip Balm - A girl can never have too much lip balm, right? I love the smell of this because it reminds me of somewhere tropical, which I definitely like to think about during these super cold winter months. And this organic lip balm keeps my lips smooth for hours on end!
3.) Nubar Cuticle & Nail Oil - I LOVE that this January box is all about keeping me smooth and moisturized. I often have very dry cuticles and by applying just a few drops of this oil, they are instantly smooth.
4.) Jergens Daily Moisturizer - During the winter months with frigid temps and cold winds, my hands can really get dried out. This daily moisturizer helps keep them smooth and feeling great. I love to keep small bottles of lotion in my car, purse, diaper bag and desk to keep me moisturized all day long.
5.) H2O Plus Spa Sea Lotus Body Wash - This body wash has one of the greatest and clean scents ever. And the lather is incredible, I highly recommend!
6.) BB5 bonus product Mirror Compact from That Awkward Moment - Just like lip balm, a girl can never have too many mirrors. Well, Tolar thinks that's my motto at least. And thanks to the new movie That Awkward Moment, I now have another mirror to keep in my purse for quick makeup touch ups so I don't have to encounter my own awkward moment. :)
Friday, January 17, 2014
High Five For Friday
Woohoo, its a three day weekend. I am so looking forward to hanging out with Tolar and Baby K and hopefully catching a few naps with my extra day off.
Let's jump right in and look at my top five moments from this past week.
1.) Baby K got to wear an outfit that I wore when I was a baby and I thought she was the cutest thing ever. Mad props to my mom for keeping baby clothes for over 30 years!
5.) Our dear friend Kathy blessed us (again!) by coming over to babysit Baby K so Tolar and I could enjoy a date night. We grabbed dinner, had some fro-yo and drove around Old Town Alexandria just enjoying spending some quality time with each other. (Side note, thanks to FourSquare we realized we hadn't been to Crave for frozen yogurt in 10 months! I couldn't believe it!)
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for this High Five For Friday post.
Let's jump right in and look at my top five moments from this past week.
1.) Baby K got to wear an outfit that I wore when I was a baby and I thought she was the cutest thing ever. Mad props to my mom for keeping baby clothes for over 30 years!
2.) We got to facetime with my nephew, its so fun to watch how excited Baby K gets whenever she sees her cousin. She loves him!
3.) I had to work late this week (not fun!), but thanks to Tolar and his amazing tech skills/hobbies I was able to watch Baby K eat her dinner and see the nighttime routine.
4.) Some of the best advice I've ever seen. Thanks instagram!
5.) Our dear friend Kathy blessed us (again!) by coming over to babysit Baby K so Tolar and I could enjoy a date night. We grabbed dinner, had some fro-yo and drove around Old Town Alexandria just enjoying spending some quality time with each other. (Side note, thanks to FourSquare we realized we hadn't been to Crave for frozen yogurt in 10 months! I couldn't believe it!)
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for this High Five For Friday post.
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- High Five For Friday
- Jewelry Options for Valentine's Day
- Lace and Lipstick
- Closer to 1 Than a Newborn
- Valentine's Day Beauty Essentials, Plus $1,000 Pay...
- Baby Fashionistas! A Baby Mama Link Up
- Cupid Cookies
- Wore: My Go To Outfit
- How Do You Super Bowl? Plus A Giveaway
- January Beauty Box 5
- High Five For Friday
- My Dad Is Officially A Senior Citizen Today
- Baby Fashion
- Love Me Some Scarves
- Mix It Monday
- High Five For Friday
- Do You Shop At ULTA?
- Dots on Dots
- The Obligatory Family Post
- Canvas Makes Photos So Much Better, Plus A Giveaway
- High Five For Friday
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- Happy New Year - Looking Back Before Looking Forward
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- Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink
- Welcome to Pursuit of Pink. I'm Lindsay and I'm so glad you are here. I believe a positive life is a happy life. Join me as I try to walk that out daily - in life, motherhood, style and more.