Tip #1:
Have you heard of Bloglovin? If not, let me tell you why you should check it out. Bloglovin is an awesome website that ANYONE can join to follow their favorite blogs. You don’t have to be a blogger to join, its open to anyone who wants to sign up for an account. With the demise of Google Reader coming at the beginning of July, this is an excellent resource to help keep you up to date on all of your favorite blogs – including Pursuit of Pink of course!
All you have to do is create an account and then start searching for your favorite blogs. And actually, Bloglovin makes it super easy for you to continue following all of the blogs you currently follow – under the settings tab (once you create an account), you can import your blogs from Google Reader. Bloglovin then takes every blog that you follow and lists the posts for you on one webpage so you can follow along easily, no need to remember a million different blog URLs. I really like that Bloglovin also offers a tab called “Similar blogs” which you will find on every blog profile. This is a great way to become even more addicted to all of the fabulous blogs out there. They basically hand you blogs that you are sure to love!
So go check it out and be sure to click the icon above or below to follow Pursuit of Pink on Bloglovin. I don’t want to lose you guys once Google Reader goes away!
Tip #2: I’m going to
get very sentimental with this tip, but spend
as much time with your family as you can! I have already mentioned, I
spent the whole weekend with my family as we celebrated the Baptism of my sweet
nephew. As always, the time flew by and I have spent the past day in quite the
sad funk because I miss my family and cuddle time with my little bug. Too often
in this life, we let other details get in our way and rob us of quality time
with family and close friends (and I am very guilty of this!). My tip and
challenge to you is to truly cherish that time. Kiss your niece/nephew or baby
or children as much as possible. Tell everyone in your family and all of your
close friends that you love them and enjoy their company. Laugh with them,
spend time with them, don’t let laundry or a to do list or even work get in the
way. Life takes over more often than not and I find myself sad that I don’t get
to visit with my family more often. I realize more and more every day just how
important my family is to me and all I want to do is see them.
So now enjoy some fun photos from
my weekend with the fam. And I'm not going to even apologize that every picture includes my nephew! (However I will apologize that there is a pic of me first thing in the morning, I just couldn't resist posting a pic of cuddle time!)

cute pics your lucky to have a family. Many of us have none. Nothing more depressing in the morning then opening the computer and looking at happy families. I hate blog loving, it refuses to acknowledge any sign on or registration I use so I will not be using it when google goes away. Email is best and much easiesr to use
ReplyDeleteHi Lexie, Thanks for your comment and yes, you are right - I am lucky to have the family I do. My heart breaks for those who do not. I certainly wasn't trying to depress you by adding pictures of my family - please don't take this post that way. I certainly pray that you have a support system in your life in other ways: co-workers, church group, friends. They too can be your family. Keep your head up!
DeleteAnd I'm sorry you have had such trouble with bloglovin' - its definitely not for everyone (nothing ever is!). Unfortunately I can't locate your e-mail to respond, I couldn't find it on your profile so I had to reply this way.
Yay for bloglovin and time with family! Both those are great "tips." ;-)