Beautiful. twinkling lights. The smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree. Anticipation of eating little smokies smothered in barbecue sauce and my aunt's homemade fudge. All of these things make me think of cherished Christmas memories throughout the years with my family while growing up.
Hi! I'm Jenn, the Wannabe Housewife.

I'm so very excited to be here today! I'm doing a little post for the lovely Lindsay while she is on a little Christmas vacation. I know how much she loves Christmas time, so I thought I would share some of my family traditions with you today.
Each year on Christmas Eve my parents, two brothers and I would all pile in the car, cramped as it may be, and make our way to an aunt or uncle's house for good times to be had. We'd walk into a group of huddled cousins around the tree waiting to open gifts that plastered huge smiles on all of our faces and left us only imagining what Santa would bring us the next morning.
We never had a warm, yet inviting, fire place to display stockings on, yet somehow those were always the most exciting part of waking up and digging into Christmas morning. We always knew that no matter what, we got a Life Savers candy book, a tootsie roll bank stuffed with tootsie rolls, of course, and lots of other little goodies and trinkets sprinkled in that only lent more memories that I hold so very dear.
Over the years we have all grown up and moved away from our childhood home, however, no matter the distance between us, we always manage to get together on Christmas Eve. Now that I have littles of my own, we have started a few new traditions of our own that I can only aspire to give them the same warm, fuzzy and heart-felt memories of their own...that thought makes me filled with goosebumps, hope and , yes, smiles.
We make our own advent calendars each year where we hand write meaningful quotes, wishes from the Hubbs and I to our kids, and some Bible verses so they know the true meaning of Christmas sprinkled with some traditional meanings as well. The kids get to decorate their very own tiny trees and we make little ornaments with the kids to have as their very own. Nice traditions, if I say so myself, that my amazing son and gorgeous daughter will maybe, with a little hope and luck, pass to their own children one day. That would be a nice holiday legacy I get to leave I think!
I believe that Christmas is a time for family, faith, fun stories, and without a doubt, food. I find it fitting that all those begin with the letter "F". Amazing how one letter can embody so much of my soul and world. There's no better way to celebrate this time of year than with those you love. So go out and dig up those old family traditions, and maybe start a few new ones of your own. Grab your spouse and give them that reassuring hug, glowing smile and meaningful kiss and look at your littles, if you are so blessed to have them, with the same wonderment on Christmas morning that your parents saw you with when you were an innocent bundle of hope, joy and happiness.
From my loving home to yours, wherever you may be, I hope that you have a holiday filled with that amazing little letter like I find myself having now.
Happy holidays!

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