starting this blog (almost 2 months ago!!!!), I have received such great
encouragement from friends, fellow bloggers and all of my followers. I am
extremely humbled that so many people have checked out my corner of the
internet and keep coming back. And
to all of my new followers – welcome! I’m so glad you found my blog.
the fabulous comments you leave here on the blog, to the many tweets I receive,
to having people tell me in my daily life that they love my blog, I am so
thankful for the love and support.
started this blog for many reasons, but one big reason was to add a little more
happiness to the very negative world that the internet has become. I'm so happy
that you are enjoying my blog and what I write about, because I'm REALLY
enjoying it. I love all of your ideas about things you want to read - keep
those coming. And I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone even
(I’m linking up with Brittany over at YellowUmbrella for this post. Go check her blog out and maybe find a new blog or two to enjoy!)
PS – I finally
created a facebook page for my blog:

Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you.